sepjrnyc » Shared Projects (38)
- Guitar Jam by sepjrnyc
- Mood Meter by sepjrnyc
- Remix: Making Faces by sepjrnyc
- Remix: Making Faces [surprised demo] by sepjrnyc
- Sleepy remix by sepjrnyc
- Feeling - Joy by sepjrnyc
- Feeling Sad by sepjrnyc
- micro:bit - Trix Project by sepjrnyc
- Ruby To The Rescue! (Debug Assessment) copy by sepjrnyc
- Feeling Love by sepjrnyc
- stainglass by sepjrnyc
- SEC-Face: Excited by sepjrnyc
- Excited by sepjrnyc
- Ugly Sweater Example by sepjrnyc
- Ugly Sweater Template by sepjrnyc
- Ruby To The Rescue! (Debug Assessment) by sepjrnyc
- Animate A Name - Jane by sepjrnyc
- Count to 10 by sepjrnyc
- Scratch Cat Message by sepjrnyc
- Ara Has A New Question! by sepjrnyc
- Vocab: Earth by sepjrnyc
- micro:bit Input - Process - Output by sepjrnyc
- Hello Ruby: My First Computer by sepjrnyc
- Don't Poke The Bear by sepjrnyc
- Food Sorting! by sepjrnyc
- Celebrate Nutrition! by sepjrnyc
- Healthy Lunch! by sepjrnyc
- Rabbit and Snake at the Opera remix by sepjrnyc
- Day 2 - Getting Unstuck by sepjrnyc
- Day 1 - Getting Unstuck by sepjrnyc
- Demo of 5 Random Facts About Me by sepjrnyc
- Ruby To The Rescue! by sepjrnyc
- Escape PD Final by sepjrnyc
- Escape PD Demo by sepjrnyc
- Blue LED by sepjrnyc
- SEPjr Poetry Machine (change color) by sepjrnyc
- 4 Color LEDs by sepjrnyc
- Scrolling by sepjrnyc