schafezr0000 » Favorites (263)
The Mast [3D] by awesome-llama
How to Fix Vector "Thorns" by papipupepappa
100%pen Linux by franceware
Flapper by SabiB
3D Globe by codeGIO
5 things to do instead of commenting on scratch (Inspirational) #All #Animations #Stories by -JoshyLeKing-
Is Pepsi OK? by -BoyMcBoy-
3D Mario Kart DS Shroom Ridge Demo by BamBozzle
Letter Frequency in English Ver 1.2 by JimmyC
singing killed my grandma but the animation quality gets worse (read instructions) by katamariunderscore
Bad Apple Animation by novice27b
Hey, Vsauce! Michael Here! by coltranepop
Ulitmate TacoBell Night 2 by schafezr0000
Factory Building [3D] by awesome-llama
PNG reader by Arctenik
Portal Scratch Edition 2 by alexandretherrien
GLOW DODGE by opticist
Realistic Apple by jfs22
(read desc) HUG SCRATCH-KUN by Dedsher
Spaceship and Planet revision 3 work in progress by Hiemswolf
3D Tilt Maze by Chrome_Cat
Steve falls #Animations #All by Pigcrafter2
Radix sort by vicketick
decimal to binary by XxJAKEYxX
I am Cheems - Episode 4 by awesomeal82
Unfair Clicker Game by AwezomeXD
Griffpatch's Blue Line Filter by griffpatch
bad appel by 52525rr
Online test for Sonic unbreakable by dabomd456
QnA Time! pt. 1 by -moodle-
Interactive 3D L #games #art #music by LawsOfScienceChanger
Desktop 1 by Nenbomo
Hacked Block Collection by qucchia
I think this is called a parallax by Cuhkaerion
Ideate | Code with Scratch! | by akuLkid
Nothing to Hide by novice27b
Sky Force [Scratch Remake] REMASTERED v7.0 by Game-Cloud
I feel regret by OwOanimator
PART2 by W_R_A_T_H
SUSSY GEN GAME by Gen_Athamasaki_2
팬아트겸 피규어 #106 by cuore99
Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
Miner cat - Game by Coltroc
3D Split Screen Battle by ColorlessWing_Studio
Incident 82: Episode 1 by awesomeal82
ouo by Tatamis
tatami :) by Tatamis
Drawing Morpher by Dinosu
Don't Starve v0.4b - Early Preview by griffpatch_tutor
s m u g by Gen_Athamasaki_2
Bathroom Brawl by awesomeal82
Painc by -moodle-
RosyOS v1.3 ✧ by Rosyda
Tile Scrolling Tutorial Assets | Parts 1 to 20 by griffpatch_tutor
Plebble: The Other World by awesomeal82
2d to 3d test pog?? by Tatamis
Fortnite Z by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Fortnite Z Anniversary Art フォートナイト by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Non-Euclidean Lemon Grab Raycaster by -Rex-
Untitled-1 by griffpatch