savage21master » Favorites (66)
Difficulty One by AroundTheWorldPie
Game of laser (100% pen game) by Dairop
Italian Translator by SnapShot123KO
Magenta 2 - The Search for More Color (A Platformer) by CatBloemie2005
.: Wood Break DELUXE :. by ToadfanSchool
Pivot: Logic Game by qucchia
Pixel Jump 2~ A Platformer by --Atomic--
Light: A Platformer by JustinianK
Line Dodge by josephycfuller
Trump Parkour by DatBlitz_Studios53
CubeQueste 2 by QuesteMastr
Cubefield 3d (Remastered) by 1dat_doodles
Flood Platformer by josephycfuller
ESCAPE- Peanut Butter and Jelly by Alisha150
-Jumpy- by Alisha150
Magenta - A Platformer (For SDS Monochromatic) by CatBloemie2005
CubeQueste return 1.2 by savage21master
Scrolling Penformer Engine (100% Pen) by MasterAndras
Platformer by PianoApprentice
Lost by teal08
Stickman's Run and Gun by SnapShot123KO
Platform by Deathcat123
Platform it 1 by yippydippy
Platform by Cheese1134
Platform by GravityLens
Blue Valley by -Ravine-
✦ A Platformer ✦ by -Ravine-
Platform Game [Ball Adventure] by PolarBearonearth
Ball Adventure by Nt45
Amaz-ing shadow by SnapShot123KO
Maze by himynameistrevor
ZombieQueste by QuesteMastr
TheOD Platformer by TheOrangeDiamond
That OTHER Platformer by gamernamer91
Earthquake - A Platformer by --Waterfall--
Simple - A Platformer by --Waterfall--
Color Switch - Shoot by --Waterfall--
Mission Impossible by --Waterfall--
Chromatic by --Waterfall--
slider 3 new dimension by tyuiotyuru
Slider 2 by tyuiotyuru
StickMan's Return by SnapShot123KO
Stickman Streetball by RedThumb
Basketball by joshrawesome
Sushi Platformer by key01134
Hanged by ADIADI11
Jedi Platformer by 9_1_1
The Cave by Azern
The Cave 2 by Azern
The Cave 3 by Azern
Basket Pro by Eivinm
Jump! Jump! Jump! by Ninja_kid243
Twin Platformers by supa_awesome
.:.ʙɪʟʟɪᴀʀᴅs.:. by FlashOfLightning
Fixes! Cubequeste HARDMODE! by --Mr--Betar--
OOF Clicker Update 2.5v by Mason334455
Red&Blue by ADIADI11
That One PLATFORMER by gamernamer91
Orbit by JereTheJuggler
soccer by dbomb04