Scratcher Joined 9 years, 6 months ago Location not given
About me
i use scratch all day ★
What I'm working on
me as a pony.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- rainbow dash and her boyfiend. by sasachien
- fluttershy and big mac. by sasachien
- twighlight and flutershy. by sasachien
- RARITY!!!!!!!!!!!! by sasachien
- MY WORS NIFGT MARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-0 by sasachien
- sun set shimmar!!! by sasachien
- Ode to Code - Dance Activity ^W^ by sasachien
- LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by sasachien
- Ode to Code - Dance Activity :-) by sasachien
- do some more jymnastics. by sasachien
- DONOUGHTS!!!! :-D by sasachien
- bob talkind to you. by sasachien
- princess Luna. by sasachien
- pony sasachien and human sasachien. :-) by sasachien
- fluttershy by sasachien
- giga eating a cake. by sasachien
- I LOVE CAKE! by sasachien
- sasachien :-) by sasachien
- who wants cake? by sasachien
- what my cutie mark is telling me. by sasachien
Favorite Projects
View all- ~* Princess Dressup *~ by NinniV
- rainbow dash and her boyfiend. by sasachien
- fluttershy and big mac. by sasachien
- GO!!!1!!!11!!! by Bread_Cat
- twighlight and flutershy. by sasachien
- RARITY!!!!!!!!!!!! by sasachien
- MY WORS NIFGT MARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-0 by sasachien
- sun set shimmar!!! by sasachien
- I'm Okay by Bread_Cat
- DTA #2 Entry by Bread_Cat
- Towards the Sun Collab Part 8 by Bread_Cat
- Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
- LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by sasachien
- Ode to Code - Dance Activity :-) by sasachien
- do some more jymnastics. by sasachien
- DONOUGHTS!!!! :-D by sasachien
- THEY'RE CUTIEMARKS!!!!!! by pinkimeana-2
- bob talkind to you. by sasachien
- princess Luna. by sasachien
- hah by Bread_Cat
Studios I'm Following
View all- MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!
- SASACHIEN,MINTY21,BATH BOMBER's and alexman7 profile
- my epic scratch code
- Mlp RP
- Ode to Code Dance - Europe Code Week 2015
- Don't Hate on Princess Twilight!
- Dreamless Sleep RPG (DS) RP!
- Can We Get 1,000 Projects By 2016?!?! .D.
- Meadow Clan RPG
- Ask Panda Questions!
- Ask Meh OC's! X3
- Soccer⚽️ (RPG)
- All Meh MAP Parts :D
- My Little Pusheen!!!!!
- *CC'S*
- add whatever you like.
- The Musical History!
- All meh Awesome friends
Studios I Curate
View all- MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!
- SASACHIEN,MINTY21,BATH BOMBER's and alexman7 profile
- Panda's Hangout!!!
- Mlp RP
- Don't Hate on Princess Twilight!
- Dreamless Sleep RPG (DS) RP!
- Can We Get 1,000 Projects By 2016?!?! .D.
- Meadow Clan RPG
- Ask Panda Questions!
- Ask Meh OC's! X3
- Soccer⚽️ (RPG)
- *CC'S*
- add whatever you like.
- The Musical History!
- All meh Awesome friends
- Bolt studio
- My Little Pusheen!!!!!
- Official 4LeafClovR Fan Club!
- Let's Keep Bullies Off Scratch!!
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