ninjaMAR » Favorites (4948)
Shapy: Logic Master - Logical Cricuit Simulator by TheDifferentMan
Changing Tools——unit changing artifact by TheDifferentMan
Scratch's fastest pixel rendering - Demo 2 by Executec
List scrolling platformer [FIXED] by mitdk
Whooah, we're half way there by Jenunm
Very accurate scratch clock by orzodog11
Fighters of Fury v2.0 by gosoccerboy5
3D Globe by BamBozzle
Mars Live Distance by jackson49
Live Orrery by jackson49
ST uses the extension again by CST1229
Username Tracking by Retr0id
Sloppy Physics Engine by Java_Programmer
Shiny Rocks Generator by Java_Programmer
Minecraft Demo by Java_Programmer
Minecraft, But It's a 2D Raycaster... by Java_Programmer
Mr. Maze Solver #Games by M-J-S-V
Maze Solver by Java_Programmer
Maze Solver v1.0 by isak
Random Maze + Solver by DavidN-CPS
Efficient Maze Solver by ilikelegos
Maze Solving Algorithm by RestroD
Shortest Path Finder (Dijkstra's Algorithm) by sxyu
Why Griffpatch commented on my profile! by Dagriffpatchfan
1,500,000,000 by comp09
(almost) 100% Pen Infinite Platformer by gilbert_given_189
BLAKE2s Hash Function by Retr0id
[3D]intro for mayssh_01 by Ttro-FX
Christmas lootboxes game (UPD2) by pokemon7766
3D by DragaoBigodao
project onto parametric equation approximation test v0.3 by MonkeyBean2
Break my hashing function by MonkeyBean2
a tribute to Scratch by minikiwigeek2
Halloween Google Doodle 2016 by CrystalKeeper7
Untitled Game 1 by Griffpatch-Academy
CryptoScratch by daffy1234
polyvisnov20 by undeterministic2
PolyVis v0.01 by undeterministic2
AES Encryption by daffy1234
Duel on Zaddja - A KOTOR Stop Motion by PIXELPICTURE
SVG vs Bitmap by Chiroyce
3D Minecraft PE demo 0.2.5 by Lordfireball
Rasterized 3D Minecraft V1.0 [#game #all] by maDU59_
RSA by Harvey712
Way of the Ninja by Will_Wam
100000 Followers by Will_Wam
WordFalcon by Will_Wam
[Scratch 3] 3D Tutorial Part 2 : Transformations by MathMathMath
[Scratch 3] 3D Tutorial Part 1 : Introduction by MathMathMath
skybox. by KryptoScratcher
STTF Bitmap v1.1 by KryptoAlt
[Moved to TurboWarp]LIVE PROJECT ID by -25kakeru-25
Scratch 2 on a K6-2 by SuperSonicmario
Scratch 4.0 Announced! by mrsrec
Neigh Pony Puzzle by Paddle2See
UPPERCASE vs. lowercase Detector by BoltBait
Biggie Cheese Simulator by sastuber123
Sin/Cosine Visualization by booshy19
sin cosine and tangent represnt by JackoWacca
3D Platformer Tutorial by Chrome_Cat