lucari0 » Favorites (550)
- Mario Kart by 041
- All My Sprites... by nich117
- I'm New... by ihateeveryone
- I MADE THIS SONG by jojobl12345
- blow bubbles by scratch_the_kat
- Lets just see how many views this can get in a week... by Astro947RMXs
- Battle Heart by awesome-sea-walrus
- Magical Mind Reader by DrSuper
- StickMania S4 Episode 4 - Old. by SpriteMaster
- BLUE_SPIRAL_D_D_D_D_P_P_P_P by noobstack
- Super Mario Bloopers 2 by vortex19
- Super Mario Bloopers 1 by vortex19
- Super Mario Bloopers 3 by vortex19
- The T.V Show (Lost Project) by swifty2testaccount
- ---SMALL--- ~5 New Levels~ by ---EPIC---
- Scratch X OS V 1.5- DOWNLOAD (Revised of V. 1.0) by lucari0
- Symmetry (Fixed) by TheCreatorGuy
- Bad News and Kinda Good News by scratchU8
- The Return of Buigi (Part 2) by scratchU8
- The Return of Buigi (Part 1) by scratchU8
- Glitch Busters Episode 1 by JJROCKER
- I QUIT!!!!!!!!!! by 123PIEFORME
- - Short Films 5 - by x-cube
- DO NOT VIEW by Cozyhut3
- America's Funniest GIFs Episode 1 by Spriteman22
- America's Funniest GIFs Episode 5 by Spriteman22
- Teh Targeto Part 2 Spoof by scratchU8
- The Target Part 2 [SPOOF] by Dialgaman
- Paper Mario Test (Lightning Flower) by thesuperguide-test
- metal slug by Pinboy21
- Blue Ball by Hrocks33
- Bad Days- Feat. Swifty by soccergoalie4life
- AWW NO FAIR!!! by Gallade_X-treme
- Its ??????????! by disqualifica
- Baseball! by MeTwo
- My awesome super neat entry! by Rnkwjiq
- Paper Mario 7 Fan Art by scratchU8
- Moar Fan Arty-ness. by scratchU8
- Shoop Da Whoop The Game DEMO by Sheiller_Test
- Elmo knows where you live! by disqualifica
- Astro's Inspirational Words of Inspiration by Astro947RMXs
- StickMania Update! by SpriteMaster
- Road to Lolliland - Part 2 by SpriteMaster
- Crazed Cat S1 E3 A Quest for a Hero by sheiller
- Season 4 StickMania Title Screen by SpriteMaster
- Whack-a-Pie by Turtleman2
- Happah Saint Patrick's Day! by SpriteMaster
- Mario Drawn by awesome-sea-walrus
- Scratch Battles Season 1 Episode 1 by JJROCKER
- Paper Mario 6 by thesuperguidegames
- Bloo's Adventure Part I by Drawjk613
- Bloo's Adventure Part II by Drawjk613
- Mouse Arcade (V 2.0) by mz97
- YAAAAAAAAY! Just. Y-no. by scratchU8
- Update recieved part1 (journey to the present) by pannulaa1
- Doodle Jump by blizzari
- Celebrities by goch
- Hops by knight5656
- Red Roach Episode 14 Sea. 3 by BaggyProductions