Scratcher Joined 9 years ago Location not given
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (64)
View all- void by ltorpedo399
- Sine Graphing Test by ltorpedo399
- Ascension of San by ltorpedo399
- Cloud XTREME by ltorpedo399
- Dungeon Warrior by ltorpedo399
- Pie Flavored Pie OO remix by ltorpedo399
- Pixel Warrior by ltorpedo399
- Flashing lights and awesomeness and derp by ltorpedo399
- earthquake by ltorpedo399
- derpy ship by ltorpedo399
- Christmas Run by ltorpedo399
- Battle of the Squares by ltorpedo399
- Shooter Wars 1.0 by ltorpedo399
- My New Intro by ltorpedo399
- Gun Guy by ltorpedo399
- Derp scratch guy by ltorpedo399
- Sprites by ltorpedo399
- Scratch Cats Adventure by ltorpedo399
- SUPER Scratch Town v1.00 by ltorpedo399
- -CONTEST- for The KEEPER! remix by ltorpedo399
Favorite Projects
View all- Ascension of San by ltorpedo399
- \ Connect 2 / v1.0.4 \ by derekqq
- Flappy Fish v1.14 | Game by RacingAce
- Dungeon Dash (v1.21) by theChAOTiC
- Dolphinio and the Jewel Kingdom by Bubbles166
- Enchanted Tower by theChAOTiC
- Bow Heroes (v1.0.2) by Noentiendo2005
- The Ninja 5 by Will_Wam
- Roguelike Platformer [DEMO v4] by theChAOTiC
- Terraria (Stamped) v0.65b by griffpatch
- Parkour boy by yuuki0519
- Shovel Knight goat by Gaben04
- racing minigame beta test by Plasmantic_Games
- Cloud by WhiteboardAnimation
- by Dimas5000
- Flappy Bird by Bobcatgamer
- Invisible Walk by MatteoCosmos
- by Snowywaterz4
- When Griffpatch UNfollows you - animation by jromagnoli
Studios I'm Following
View all- ssundee fan's
- @Mapwatekar2004, @Watekars and X-JoySon's Fan Club
- Pokemon Lovers
- How many managers can we get by 2020
- Madhamsters Other Account
- I Don't Care What You Think You Me
- Tarlach's Fanclub! [OFFICIAL!]
- Harry potter
- struckbylightning followers!
- Scratch Design Studio (S.D.S.)
- all projects allowed .
- Gameknight999 Fan Club
- RainbowDgirl101's Followers
- Old Town Productions
- Followers of @humphrey4444444444
- Derpios Unite!
- Super Mario Bloopers Series
- GET 2000 PROJECTS BEFORE 2017!!!!
- Epic studio! Put as many projects as you can here!
Studios I Curate
View all- me and followers/who i follow only
- Undertale RP
- _CookieChip_'s Place (movin tho ;u;)
- Roblox club
- Studio of Pen
- Smart Studio
- @Mapwatekar2004, @Watekars and X-JoySon's Fan Club
- Pokemon Lovers
- My coding chalenges!
- Click here! :D
- Invite EVERYONE!
- Followers Studio
- I'm. Something...
- I am on going on a Vaction from the next month
- Moved
- Studio of Video Games
- MY B-DAY!!!
- Advantages of Having Green Hair?!?!!?
- Mɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ Wᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ Cᴀᴛs RP
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