lindsay919 » Shared Projects (86)
Walking on Terrain (Th) by lindsay919
Walking on Terrain (W) by lindsay919
Untitled-45 by lindsay919
Ask and Wait Demo (Th) by lindsay919
Broadcast and Receive (Th) by lindsay919
Broadcast and Receive Demo (W) by lindsay919
Untitled-44 by lindsay919
Fun with Variables (W) by lindsay919
Closer and Further (Th) by lindsay919
Closer and Further (W) by lindsay919
Pen Shapes (Th) by lindsay919
Pen tool shapes (W) by lindsay919
Keeping Score - Frog Chasing Flies (Th) by lindsay919
Keeping Score (W) by lindsay919
Maze (Th) by lindsay919
Untitled-30 by lindsay919
Maze (W) by lindsay919
Cat Chasing Mouse with Score (W) by lindsay919
Cat Chasing Mouse (Th) by lindsay919
Arrow Key Controls by lindsay919
Arrow Buttons (W) by lindsay919
Broadcast and Receive Scenes (Th) by lindsay919
Beachball Glide (W) by lindsay919
Cat Closer and Further (Th) by lindsay919
Close and Far Beetle (W) by lindsay919
Pen Tool Demo (W) by lindsay919
Pen Tool Practice (Th) by lindsay919
Switching Background Demo by lindsay919
Switching Backdrops Demo by lindsay919
Robot Dancing Animation Demo by lindsay919
Animated Dancing Person by lindsay919
Keeping Score by lindsay919
Chase Game Demo by lindsay919
Chase Game with Score and Lives Demo by lindsay919
Walking on Terrain version 2 by lindsay919
Walking on terrain (tablet-friendly buttons) by lindsay919
Ask and Wait Demo by lindsay919
Broadcast and Receive Demo by lindsay919
Variables Demo by lindsay919
Closer and Further Demo by lindsay919
Closer and Further by lindsay919
Pen Tool Exploration by lindsay919
High Score Exploration by lindsay919
Coding Club Wednesday 8am by lindsay919
Coding Club Thursday 9:15am by lindsay919
Scratch Basics Demo by lindsay919
Fireworks - Getting Unstuck Day 1 by lindsay919
variables by lindsay919
WeDo Soccer by lindsay919
Wedo Boat - Unfinished by lindsay919
Coming and Going by lindsay919
Frog Eating Flies Game by lindsay919
lindsay letter effects by lindsay919
Pacman Maze by lindsay919
purple mountain by lindsay919
Walking on Terrain (arrow keys) by lindsay919
Jumpers by lindsay919
Moving background by lindsay919
Swimming fish game by lindsay919
Pen shapes by lindsay919