
Scratcher Joined 9 years, 9 months ago United States

About me

╔┓┏╦━━╦┓╔┓╔━━╗ I'm Flapsy! I'm a fan of
║┗┛║┗━╣┃║┃║╯╰║ dragons, capybaras,
║┏┓║┏━╣┗╣┗╣╰╯║ and books! A few of my
╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩━━╝ fandoms are Wings of Fire, Steven Universe, Undertale, and DDLC!

What I'm working on

None of your business that's what. Just kidding! Random stuff and stuff like that.


What I've been doing


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