Scratcher Joined 1 year, 7 months ago United States
About me
razr vagr
my old account
What I'm working on
if you see this you will get a cold and have a sore throat if you don't comment this somewhere else 2 times
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- cursed images by eggies_n_waffles
- Sign if Scratch Should do This for Pride month! remix remix remix remix remix remix remix rem… remix by eggies_n_waffles
- Your 6th last saved image is coming for you remix by eggies_n_waffles
- average free robux game by eggies_n_waffles
- giggle infection 3 by eggies_n_waffles
- pain by eggies_n_waffles
- I Baked you a ඞ! by eggies_n_waffles
- a new giggle by eggies_n_waffles
- spinning cat V0.3 by eggies_n_waffles
- battle for the cats food supply (giggle) by eggies_n_waffles
- giggle infection 2 by eggies_n_waffles
- giggle infection by eggies_n_waffles
- I AM NOT SHAPED LIKE A FARRIS WHEEL by eggies_n_waffles
- advertisement game by eggies_n_waffles
- caseoh eats 10,000 calories a day!? by eggies_n_waffles
- Flappy ඞ! by eggies_n_waffles
- guess password by eggies_n_waffles
- sagr cards by eggies_n_waffles
- Mcronalds by eggies_n_waffles
- fun by eggies_n_waffles
Favorite Projects
View all- TOP 16 CURSED IMAGES by pangolin1235
- TOP 16 ROAD TRIP by Da-Guy-
- Spike Rain v2.2 #all #games by redspacecat
- What is the worst sauce? // #Animations #All #Art #Stories #Trending remix by DD-noon-63
- Math Jeopardy by Kasjae
- Florida Man Stories Animated 2 by pangolin1235
- Florida Man Stories Animated by pangolin1235
- Scratch Days: Ice Cream by ProPurchase9258
- spinning cat V0.3 by eggies_n_waffles
- Medieval City V1.8 by albexpm
- Gen Alpha in a nutshell by Ivanshep23
- Countdown to 2025 #live by funkids1234
- Gen Alpha attacks by thefrogkid10
- ★ Legless Cat Simulator ★ by objectionz
- Among Us Dash by PokemonMaster6789
- GOG NUT 5 GOG?????????????????? by codeninjasevan
- fun by eggies_n_waffles
- You DON'T need a whole new wig, but you do need to know what's Pi by myles64
- braces... #animations #stories #art #music by IncognitoOrange
Studios I'm Following
View all- kitr - from the attic
- you i have ur credit card number
- Hall of Cursed Images
- lets get this studio to 100k followers
- the fun place
- I
- Really
- Love
- caseoh
- Remix studio
- get duckrolled if you see this
- Follow if Skibidi toilet isn’t funny
- timed projects
- The Bob -> 웃 fan club!
- 웃 BOB CULT 웃
- Wario
- Wario
Studios I Curate
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