eagertuna0 » Shared Projects (61)
- [SL23] Pong Demo by eagertuna0
- Untitled-15 by eagertuna0
- RFA | Scratch K-3 PT 1 | DDR Game by eagertuna0
- Scrolling Basics Demo by eagertuna0
- Scratch 2-3 PT 1 | Platformer Movement Demo by eagertuna0
- Scratch 2-3 PT 1 | Movement Demo by eagertuna0
- Basketball Template remix by eagertuna0
- RFA | Basic Scratch K-3 Part 2 | Week 2 Day 2 Guided Practice 1 | Live by eagertuna0
- Maze Demo by eagertuna0
- [WIP -- Concept Test] Personal -- Space Out by eagertuna0
- Week 4 Guided Practice 1 Template remix by eagertuna0
- RFA -- Subbing -- Scratch 2-3 PT 2 Class B -- Homework by eagertuna0
- RFA -- Subbing -- Scratch 2-3 Week 1 Day 2 by eagertuna0
- Cat Moves by eagertuna0
- Brightness Effect Test by eagertuna0
- MiniHackathon by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Week 7 - Testing by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Platformer Live 2 by eagertuna0
- Max Run (WIP) by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders - Live 3 by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders - Barrier Test by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders - Day 2 and Homework by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders Live 2 by eagertuna0
- Pong Template remix by eagertuna0
- RFA - Hackathon - Coin Eating Cat Demo by eagertuna0
- RFA - Recruitment - Scratch - The Debugging Game by eagertuna0
- Snake Game Template remix by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Snake Game Finished by eagertuna0
- RFA - Recruitment - Scratch Solution - Good by eagertuna0
- RFA - Recruitment - Scratch Solution - Perfect by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch 2 - Flappy Bird Live by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch 2 - Flappy Bird Practice by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Flappy Bird by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Snake Game by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Week 7 - Day 2 Start by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Week 7 - Day 1 Start by eagertuna0
- Platformer- After Day 2 remix copy by eagertuna0
- RFA - Recruitment - PBL Scratch Debugging Test by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders - Finished With Homework by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Achievements Day 2 by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - TextEngine for Achievements by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Achievements Day 1 by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Achievements Template by eagertuna0
- Basics of Multiplayer by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Textengine Demo Finished by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Textengine Demo Template by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - TextEngine by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - TextEngine Intro Example by eagertuna0
- RFA - Hackathon - Coin eating cat DEMO by eagertuna0
- A Real Working Game On Scratch by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Platformer - Curric - Finished Week 5 Day 2 copy by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders - Day 2 And Homework by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Platformer LIVE by eagertuna0
- Inky the Octopus w/o Skip/Mute by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders - Finished by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Space Invaders - Template by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Platformer - Curric - Finished Week 5 Day 2 by eagertuna0
- RFA - PBL Scratch - Platformer - Teacher Day 2 Template by eagertuna0
- RFA - Hackathon - Color Changing Circle DEMO by eagertuna0
- CS50X Lesson 0: Cat Jump by eagertuna0