Scratcher Joined 11 years, 8 months ago United Kingdom
About me
I am on a account that I don't know the password only my big brother does I am 9 years old ! my favourite thing is Pokémon wolvesrule247 is my friend so if you follow her search it I will follow you!
What I'm working on
just more about me:
please follow beetrootmonster my brother
I may not share anything for a while because I'm working on a big game.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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charactors in pokemon aquatic by cybus118
Untitled-158 by cybus118
santa pikachu says " happy holidays " to you by cybus118
what are the pokemon running away from? by cybus118
scratch band 2 by cybus118
couloring cc remix by cybus118
pokemon chronicles theme tune by cybus118
i've just completed new super mario bros u by cybus118
sign in if you hate bullying by cybus118
design a evee evelution remix by cybus118
random colour picker by cybus118
dress up by cybus118
Articulated Lorry Driving v3.2 remix by cybus118
Warrior Wolves CC remix by cybus118
skateboard kid by cybus118
home for whiskers by cybus118
Add yourself in my Super Hero or Villain RP remix remix remix remix by cybus118
Everyone Add A Gumball! remix remix remix remix by cybus118
For All Internet Bullies remix by cybus118
Favorite Projects
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Everything at Once AMV (WIP) remix by cybus118
ninja wolf by wolvesrule247
Merry x-mas! by wolvesrule247
santa pikachu says " happy holidays " to you by cybus118
what are the pokemon running away from? by cybus118
scratch band 2 by cybus118
pokemon chronicles theme tune by cybus118
Retro Snake remix by cybus118
look after wolf pup by wolvesrule247
couloring cc remix by cybus118
3D Hamster game! by rappinghamster
sign in if you hate bullying by cybus118
Pastel hair salon by chocomax
Wolves are not monsters by wolvesrule247
Pikachu!!!!!! by Norm_The_Creator
Introducing MEGA SLOWBRO?!!??!?!? by Norm_The_Creator
Introducing Mega Audino...... by Norm_The_Creator
Camera Simulation by ashwinr
Spray by stickfiregames
Pokemon Blue V. 0.0 by Oldschooler2
Studios I'm Following
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run cat run
The Pokemon Studio
Design a Valentine Studio
the pokemon study school
New Team Plasma's secret hq
lets get 10000 projects and 100 curators
pokemon games (games only!!)
wolves rule studio
can can we get 50 managers and 1000 projects by 2015?
1 2 3..............1,000,000
the teaching studio
Let's get 10,000 projects by the end of 2015
Unknown scratchers in need
Girls Can Do It!
Studios I Curate
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Lizard Fun
run cat run
The Pokemon Studio
Superhero RPG
Animal Magic
Wild Cats
Hetalia lets get 1000 curators by 2019
Pokemon adoption palace
Normies's Dumplings
Let's get more than 10000 projects!
Norm fans of the Normiverse!
The Studio! Curate, Friends, Add Projects!
Projects Not getting Enough Attention
Stallions of the Night BIO Studio
chow chow studio for chubbychowchow
BeetTon Academy
Shinehan Academy
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