Student of: BGCGG Crosby - 3:30PM - 4:30PM Scratcher Joined 11 months, 3 weeks ago Japan
About me
Alt: @brillianBee-alt
10-year old boy. Call me BeeCat!
Feel free to ask me to make you anything!!!!
Favorite food: Ramen!
Object Show and MLB fan
I animate :3
B-Day: April 3rd.
IRL friend: @astroAnt34
What I'm working on
I'm collaborating w/ @astroAnt34 for an object show called "ScratchLand".
Go follow @Shafeen26 , @astroAnt34 , @vdiaz041 , @EvanEatsTacos , and @theEman1000 they're awesome people!!!!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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Thumb for @Unspoken99 by brillianBee19
My signup! by brillianBee19
Thumb for @jololoui by brillianBee19
Miraculous Poster by brillianBee19
(OPEN!!!!!) @brillianBee19's QnA by brillianBee19
My auditions!!! by brillianBee19
VAs Needed For New Show! by brillianBee19
remix this and follow me if kitten cute:) remix by brillianBee19
100 follower contest remix by brillianBee19
BFDI Fan Art by brillianBee19
Make Breakfast!!! by brillianBee19
Welcome!!! by brillianBee19
Beach Day! by brillianBee19
Untitled-15 by brillianBee19
Assets for Characters by brillianBee19
Auditions for Ticket by brillianBee19
Relaxing Homework Room by brillianBee19
MY OLD PFP by brillianBee19
Make Ramen! by brillianBee19
100 FOLLOWERS! by brillianBee19
Favorite Projects
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cat effects by coolsonicfan321
✳︎ミクの日✳︎ by -satsuki
Goodbye Animation by GameYoshi
Free Loading Screens by GameYoshi
Design a Pie! (Pi Day 2025) by cIovercat
BIRD IS THE WORD remix by Fwoobies123
HOLY CARP- by rat_with_a_face
JUMP OVER SCRATCH BLOCKS v1.5 by rat_with_a_face
Twiddle Finger Lyrics by aikaik1309
Character Bio Expanded remix by 4nonymaus_77
scratch go round by scratch_the_kat
(link to project) by scratch_the_kat
Clicking effects and particles by Th3snackthatsmi1es
3D Sprite Player Model by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Butter 3D Engine by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Rhythmic Dictation (Read Description) by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
ʀᴀɪʟᴡᴀʏ ᴅɪɴᴏ | ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴇɴᴛʀʏ by Ninja_Sky
A Monday Morning by Get2Scratching
Decorate a Pie! [For Pi Day!] by ___KoalaKoder___
ねむちウイルス!アニメーション付き! by Teto-1112
Studios I'm Following
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Hermit House Studio (All Episodes)
BFDI(A) Fans
Can Needle Slap 950 projects?
join if you like tpot
Crystal Fan club!
The Anti-BENJIxScarlett Army
The World of Techno ~Official Studio~
~Follow if you like cats~
ENDアニメ公式スタジオ 【旧たい焼きアニメ】
Chumie's Interactive Project
BFDI Studio
Mick's gallery
Hermit House V'As
【JP/EN】なんでもOK! Scratchギャラリー
The "Make _____" Series!
follow this studio if you want sc plushies on sale!
My Art Studio
Untitled Series!
Studios I Curate
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Follow this studio if weffiy has cute shoes
✌︎('ω')✌︎教 【なんでもスタジオ】
Follow if you are breathing right now
Hermit House Studio (All Episodes)
Congrats Gr33n!
Request a banner! For me!!!
Bananamatorr's Banana Tree
Paint Party! New Game Out!
Road 869 - 1000 Perm shoutouts for following me
jlk_coder's follower hangout
1,000,000,000 Projects
Platformer Clash VI - Voting Phase
"Advertise!" - @Helm-
View allFollowers
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