blackopsr » Favorites (645)
Poll: How do you spell Colo(u)r? by PhirripSyrrip
FLYING PIG by ThePancakeMan
NorthEast by NorthEast
Marshall (a platform game) by WithOnions
Nazi shootout by koolredy
Play the Ocarina Songs from Zelda! V.7 by thejuki
How Much Do You Weigh on the Moon? (Fixed) by TruBlu
A wild Character Appeared! by Miloticmadness
Ask Wazzo Ep. 1 by WazzoTV
Mega Man Game Engine by B-Max
Pokemon X and Y eng names by blackopsr
Message for the Scratch team and others. by jubjub24
Old platformer engine by eRKSToCK
Pokemon X and Y updates!!! by blackopsr
Steel VS Ice COMPLETE 760 Frames (notes!) by FrozenFIsh13
talk to troll face 4 by dannyf41
Why are Rubix cubes so hard?! by Ean173
Random 3 by WazzoTV
Fun with Magic People! by ThePancakeMan
GRADIENTS by ThePancakeMan
Poll: What type of clock do you prefer? by PhirripSyrrip
Slingshot Engine by ProdigyZeta7
Walls by Wes64test
Die Potato? by Electro912
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
Funny signs comp! :D entry by blackopsr
Doyu Card Battle(Ver. 1.1.1) by bawac
Frosted OS by Electro912
There's something on your face by blackopsr
Fun Putty dark surface by botboy3000
Add Yourself Running from Pico's Evil Sibling (SFW Version) by vacuumfan7072
≈∞• Bridge •∞≈ {(V.6.2)} by PanicPandaAlarm
Test by griffpatch
TEAM FLARE MEMBERS UPDATE #7 by giratina200104
STICKMAN TEST by gamecrafter101
jumble of pokemon2 by staugledus
The Sacred Battle of Pikachu by tacky365
TEAM FLARE INFO UPDATE #1 by giratina200104
JOIN TEAM FLARE: Scratch Team of Awesomeness by giratina200104
this is the best pie AMV by flareburst
Add Yourself Dancing w/ Jarquanzela! by WazzoTEST
The Mario Game [Platformer demo] by mickyg
List Randomiser by griffpatch_tutor
Less Restrictive Positioning and Sizing of Sprites by griffpatch_tutor
Mega Zoom Trick by griffpatch_tutor
Light and Dark... by griffpatch
My new logo (READ NOTES!!!) by FrozenFIsh13
BTC Conference 2013 Opening Animation Grade 7 by tejmokshaj
⊗ The 8 Pages 0.3 ⊗ by FerrokX
iNSaNiTY CC-My Entry by Day30
Prizes for wazzup_contest by Day30 by Day30
Hamster on a Piano AMV by scratch_marziale
Circle Physics by Wes64
The Robbery. by scratch_marziale
Fishing With Little Timmy! Alpha 1.3 by beybladerevenge
Stick fight(animation) by blackopsr
Articulated Lorry / Truck Driving v3.2 by griffpatch
SHAPE 1.2 by FrozenFIsh13