Scratcher Joined 3 years, 8 months ago United States
About me
hello my name is Tayton but everybody calls me Tay also i love among us and also i like to be funny i also will talk to anybody you should also search on youtube: coryxkenshin DUDE LIKE BRUH DUDE>:|
What I'm working on
(dead profile dont visit)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (54)
View all- bear eats cat by amongusbotter2000
- Untitled-20 by amongusbotter2000
- Untitled-18 by amongusbotter2000
- AmongusBotter's Theme by amongusbotter2000
- Ro in a suit by amongusbotter2000
- What Ro looks like as a human by amongusbotter2000
- Me with sunglasses. by amongusbotter2000
- The new me! by amongusbotter2000
- The wink. by amongusbotter2000
- Lunasus57. by amongusbotter2000
- by amongusbotter2000
- a meow by amongusbotter2000
- Ball by amongusbotter2000
- The horror! by amongusbotter2000
- Pfp For @Lunagirl57 by amongusbotter2000
- cat goes to space by amongusbotter2000
- Meh fav show gif by amongusbotter2000
- hes innocent. by amongusbotter2000
- trash animation by amongusbotter2000
- Welcome to my profile by amongusbotter2000
Favorite Projects
View all- trash animation by amongusbotter2000
- DBZ Clicker GOGETA UPDATE by JK47777
- Pickle Clickers by Pickledorf
- FNF WANNABE by amongusbotter2000
- ☁ Super Smash Bros. ☁ by Hobson-TV
- how to get unbanned from by howtogetunbanned
- something serious. (why I'm not active often.) by wiei
- Static The character by LN2MONO
- Sharkyshar V.S Griffpatch by Lil_king89
- Dungeons and Dragons online by Nickpete
- [Gravity Falls] ❤Romance Academy 7!❤ remix by cs790547
- securly is actin alot sus now by P1zzaGob1in
- Gravity Falls: ❤Romance Academy 7!❤ by The_Swag_SpringTrap
- Ball by amongusbotter2000
- Among us stereotypes 1 #animations by Wormotron
- Coryxkenshin by deminoodle
- 100% Pen Rickroll ✒️ v1.2 by TimMcCool
- Whale by NickyNouse
- _Dragons_ A Drawing by Fire_Fox_12
- Secret Lives of Scratch Cat by ScratchCat
Studios I'm Following
View all- * :・゚✧ The Chosen Ones ✦ A Fantasy Roleplay ✧・゚: *
- Join my 1 year old party or this will be in your bed
- -Hilton High- (High-school rp)
- ~Invincible RP~
- animation studio
- ❂ Amulet ❂ [Role-play] {Based Off of A Book Series}
- TigerlyW fan club
- I'm staying
- The lonely kid [A RP]
- A Kindle of Kittens
- the club of unknown
- Put anything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)....especially Rap
- Platformers
- Yeet rebelion
- The A+ Animators
- Cartoon Network “Include Someone” Studio
- zombie apocalypse RP episodes
- ~SUS~CLAN~ (A Follower Club)
- FridaySimulations
Studios I Curate
View all- * :・゚✧ The Chosen Ones ✦ A Fantasy Roleplay ✧・゚: *
- Untitled Studio
- Untitled Studio
- Untitled Studio
- Untitled Studio
- Join my 1 year old party or this will be in your bed
- so i became a scratcher so im making this.
- Ask Mono
- Dragon exam RP
- 300+ followers - Banner competition
- Draw Contest ( Closed )
- TigerlyW fan club
- Marvel RP
- I'm staying
- The Requiem Elements
- Fandom Hub {Fan Chat And Updates}
- [] The Circle Of Life [] {Lion King Rp}
- zombie apocalypse RP episodes
View allFollowers
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