aftonkidsforlife » Favorites (14)
- The Man Behind The Slaughter | Fnaf VHS edit by toybonnie143
- ✎_______ ;) by FNAF-Veteran
- ❤️My Aesthetic❤️ by NinjaSansIdk
- My boyfriend while hes talking by Greg_11
- Phone Guy Becomes Drawing by --Black-And-White--
- For my dude Charlie UvU by NinjaSansIdk
- -MonochromeFreddy by aftonkidsforlife
- you guy's are mean rude and it annoying by fnfmodthatgood
- Me in outfits I’d probably wouldn’t wear lol- by NinjaSansIdk
- @AftonKidsForLife by NinjaSansIdk
- someone k1ll me.... by EPICGAMERGURL0101
- <3 <3 <3 Love >w< by Acid2007
- Jester Mod ☁️ Among Us Scratch (Freinds) (online/private ) remix by stellarrr
- if scratch was a horror story. by chirsaftonissocute