Scratcher Joined 4 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
my mom: @G0LDEN_FREDDY
2nd mom: @Fnia_BreadBear
True Dad: @x-X-Springtrap-X-x
Sister i guess ;-; : @Fnia_AaronSGlitch
Im off. (Mostly)
What I'm working on
if this account is banned ill make a @Zerefhdmm .
Not banned yet.
Mail count: 754 (no.)
Gender: Yes.
I like Little Nightmares no Judge ;W;
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (19)
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Me and big bro! by Zyarhm3
Add your self! Scribbles Remix remix remix by Zyarhm3
PLEASE Stop this. (Rant) remix remix Aint Mine- by Zyarhm3
why is this true- remix UwU by Zyarhm3
remix if you'd take him- remix x3 remix by Zyarhm3
LOOK AT THIS NOW!!!!!!!!! remix remix by Zyarhm3
Be the 1% remix remix by Zyarhm3
Paused for 4 hours. by Zyarhm3
Add yourself as a cat (the real original) remix by Zyarhm3
Add yourself -v- || Remix TvT remix remix by Zyarhm3
Some dress designs for the fam <3 remix by Zyarhm3
Untitled-18 remix by Zyarhm3
*Add Yourself!* remix remix remix by Zyarhm3
~Would you Hug Foxy?~ 6th Remix remix remix remix remix by Zyarhm3
Repost if you're a True Undertale Fan remix by Zyarhm3
Add yourself Remix!!! (Goodbye to a world meme) remix remix remix by Zyarhm3
Attention: Help Stop Bullying! remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by Zyarhm3
EaRtHwOrM SaLlY remix by Zyarhm3
Z by Zyarhm3
Favorite Projects
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A Golden pfp/Fnia Art *winning smile* by coolbr63
I made Goldie in Padoru style by coolbr63
Up, Down, Right, Down Meme (Zamora x Luka) by golden_unicorn1
Just chillin'- by FreddyFaz_Boi
Reached 100 Followers TvT by LiLdemonXOXO
"Slow Dancing in the dark" with Neko by lazibearr
Add Yourself ( Eevee ^ ^ ) remix by Lileeveegirl
Add your self! (Eevee) by Lileeveegirl
Add yourself as a cat remix remix by moonwing-luna
A birthday gift for Goldie by coolbr63
remix if you'd take him- remix x3 remix by Zyarhm3
Add your self! Scribbles Remix remix remix by Zyarhm3
Anime Character Maker (girl) remix by LiLdemonXOXO
DMC 70+ Followers! (Closed) by -RoseyRed-
Gamerwolf99999's Birthday Pfp/Drawing by Gamerwolf99999
~Boys~//Animation MEME by coolbr63
no sharing by ChrisAftonn
memememe by ChrisAftonn
rejection. by ChrisAftonn
Sharkyshar V.S Griffpatch by Lil_king89
Studios I'm Following
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Sing it out! (Important!)
The Last Birthday(A Mini-rp)
18 Years…(My birthday!)
Rp Eevee's past- (Waring its pretty Dark )
Eevee kidnapped Smol Nootmare- (Rp)
Heyo! can yall try and join this with me? ;w;
Eevee Really likes Nootmare...but scared he no like
Willow Orphanage - An RP
BalanceDreamTale RP!
Talk To My OCs
Ask or dare Blassion!
Does anybody like me as a friend or a gf? And Q
........(not Rp)
~G0ldie Chat~
ill be off for a week....
I can make an oc for u guys and edit or draw
What am I to u
Studios I Curate
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Sing it out! (Important!)
Horror Games
Rate AX982008/Me
The Last Birthday(A Mini-rp)
18 Years…(My birthday!)
Ask / Dare The Dark Love Trio
Rp Eevee's past- (Waring its pretty Dark )
Eevee kidnapped Smol Nootmare- (Rp)
Heyo! can yall try and join this with me? ;w;
Eevee Really likes Nootmare...but scared he no like
Oh no! Eevee is lost! (Rp)
Reminder! (Plz read!)
Did y'all cheack out my YT channel?
Willow Orphanage - An RP
Scott cawthon retirement
BalanceDreamTale RP!
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