Scratcher Joined 10 years, 10 months ago United States
About me
I'm 16 and in the 10th grade, I really don't use scratch that often, just when I'm bored and can't do anything else really, but I'll try to make some new actually decent stuff now ig.
What I'm working on
I can make someone a logo or something if they need one, I'm not really doing anything atm.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (85)
View all- SplatterBox by Whiteboy007
- Good Demon (Alpha Test) by Whiteboy007
- Scrolling Platformer/Shooter by Whiteboy007
- 3d escape by Whiteboy007
- Pong by Whiteboy007
- The Coders Adventure 2 Whiteboy007 edition by Whiteboy007
- The Tank 1 (Work In Progress) by Whiteboy007
- Plazma Burst 2 ~Ghost Hunt~ by Whiteboy007
- For Harperalix by Whiteboy007
- DerpedDerp's New logos by Whiteboy007
- Lava Escape Side-Scroller (Version 4) by Whiteboy007
- Music by Whiteboy007
- Infinite Darkness by Whiteboy007
- Hombré de Zanahoria y amigos(Carrot man and friends) by Whiteboy007
- Path Creator V.1 by Whiteboy007
- Pokemon Morph 9 by Whiteboy007
- Happy Easter by Whiteboy007
- Pokemon Morph 9 by Whiteboy007
- Pokemon Morph 7 by Whiteboy007
- It just came 2 me.b nb n by Whiteboy007
Favorite Projects
View all- Plazma burst 2.5 clone (version demo) by Dominikrni
- Realistic Terrain Generator by AchillesX
- Pixel Art Creator by lmsp7cm
- Clash (2 Players) by Reimagine
- Cyborg II by theChAOTiC
- Make Your Own 3D World! by Awesomator8859
- Just Another Platformer Game by 900miles
- Good Demon (Alpha Test) by Whiteboy007
- Platform in Paradise by merchantXxx
- Good Demon by TheOneCreator
- Demon Hunter by Ivaash
- Pong by Whiteboy007
- Ice Cream Clicker by Zonate
- Mortal Kombat Reborn 2 Game V.0.3 by DTkid67
- Introducing Edible Scratch! by ceebee
- Target Master by CheckmateProduction
- Terraria Sprites by squaretoxic
- 3d escape by Whiteboy007
- Scratch - The Intro ( Ep. 1 ) COMMING SOON remix by Whiteboy007
- The Coders Adventure 2 Whiteboy007 edition by Whiteboy007
Studios I'm Following
View all- WARNING: Add all projects
- Tank Games
- My dogs
- bluebearia ANYONE CAN CURATE!
- Zinnia and Twofacedlovers studio!!!!!!! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
- Neptunia Promotions o(^▽^)o
- Scratch Day 2014
- team eevee
- Help The New Scratchers!
- With SHOOTING: Mad Multi-player Games
- SkittyRulez fan club
- luna2687's follower studio!
- Nyan CC And Entries!
- JollySushi's Project Pages!
- Death Studio and Dragon Studio
- Tigers RPG
- Project movie planners
Studios I Curate
View all- Useless studio
- Best Of All Projects
- Team MowMow2 (Official MowMow2 studio) (Closed: MowM
- Fancy Studio
- Untitled Studio
- My dogs
- The CreepyChannel Awards
- Zinnia and Twofacedlovers studio!!!!!!! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
- Arrow Key Games
- Neptunia Promotions o(^▽^)o
- The viking Curators Club
- Fairy tail RPG
- Arrow Key Games
- Only Pokemon Stuff
- With SHOOTING: Mad Multi-player Games
- SkittyRulez fan club
- The Bestest Scratchers I know!
- Be Creative
- luna2687's follower studio!
View allFollowers
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