Scratcher Joined 10 years, 2 months ago United Kingdom
About me
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(NOTE: I will give prizes to my 1st, 50th, 100th and 1000th followers!)
Check this out:
What I'm working on
I need IDEAS NOW!!!!
A platformer maybe?
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (25)
View all- The date by ToffeeDoggy
- Endurance by ToffeeDoggy
- infinite lego brick remix by ToffeeDoggy
- Black hole! :D by ToffeeDoggy
- Add your name to your favorite web browser!!! remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by ToffeeDoggy
- Add your name to your favorite web browser!!! remix remix remix by ToffeeDoggy
- @paws48's first attempt at vector! (improved in vect by ToffeeDoggy
- ToffeeDoggy's logo contest by ToffeeDoggy
- Stop the death of dogs! #DOGLOVERS by ToffeeDoggy
- 40 follower logo contest!!!!!!!!!!! entry by ToffeeDoggy by ToffeeDoggy
- Every play = MORE CATS! by ToffeeDoggy
- Add Yourself to the Licky Chain! by ToffeeDoggy
- Add yourself as a heart!!!!!!!!!!! remix by ToffeeDoggy
- Click the animals! (for 'Clickers' studio) by ToffeeDoggy
- Customizable Mouse Trail REMIX by ToffeeDoggy
- π (pi) to 26 decimal places by ToffeeDoggy
- The FLYING cat! by ToffeeDoggy
- Draw fun remix by ToffeeDoggy
- Platformer ball by ToffeeDoggy
- Dog remix by ToffeeDoggy
Favorite Projects
View all- Endurance by ToffeeDoggy
- COOL GIF! by sneey
- Asleep by InfectiousReindeer
- Ginny Weasley or Luna Lovegood? Vote! by GryffindorFreak1
- Ginny Weasley or Luna Lovegood? Vote! remix by scratchcat11306
- African Elephant speed-draw by TribalBeat
- I don't by infy
- usually by infy
- favorit by infy
- e proje by infy
- cts. by infy
- ToffeeDoggy's logo contest remix by paws48
- Accepting Death ~ A Short Story by gloom-
- shapes ~ a platformer by gloom-
- ~Mysterious Pen~ by gloom-
- Pass the laser by yanivagam
- 100% pen golden Chronograph by daCypher
- Sum 1+2+...+n by isieben
- Which day were you born on? by Higgsboson13
- Games by ErebosDemon
Studios I'm Following
View all- platformer contest
- Middle Ages Studio!
- *reasons why you follow me*
- Make me blush♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- Great Jokes!
- Lettuce competition (#DRAW)
- Art And Stuff!
- Platformers!!!
- Every thing Emma Watson
- 1000 managers before 2018
- 100 followers by August
- Soccer Studio
- Popular Games!
- Open Contest Studio
- Do You Want To Get Followers?
- ToffeeDoggy's logo contest! NAUGHTY LIST!!!
- Hazel-Follows Awesome Followers!
- Bored? Come Here!
Studios I Curate
View all- Contests
- Untitled Studio
- Lets vote for my logo (April) put them here first
- platformer contest
- Give me project ideas
- the fantasy studio
- creativity palace
- Want to know more about 8302181391? Ask!
- Middle Ages Studio!
- friends
- *reasons why you follow me*
- Make me laugh
- Tell me your secrets I will tell you mine
- Make me blush♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- Great Jokes!
- Let's Get 100+ Everything!
- Art And Stuff!
- Lettuce competition (#DRAW)
- 100 followers by August
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