The_Duke » Shared Projects (261)
- I'VE MOVED! by The_Duke
- Minashigo - The Apocalypse Returns Bio by The_Duke
- Aurora remix by The_Duke
- Dragon yay! by The_Duke
- ☆ I Can CCE ☆ by The_Duke
- boredom by The_Duke
- AT -Ghostecho for Icoquest by The_Duke
- some arts by The_Duke
- OccasionallySunk remix- hitbox by The_Duke
- Live Long And Swag- by The_Duke
- FG Logo Contest entry by The_Duke
- Minecraft sword contest! (EnTrY) by The_Duke
- Minecraft face REDONE! by The_Duke
- Into ^.^ by The_Duke
- ~Logo Contest~ Entry by The_Duke
- How bad can my art possibly get MeMe remix by The_Duke
- Le Coloring Contest by The_Duke
- Happy Pagoda for dundeon Quest (other sprites inside by The_Duke
- Dungeon Quest Guy + mob costumes by The_Duke
- Kart Design Contest and a Free Cookie! entry? by The_Duke
- Dungeon Quest music swords logo etc :P by The_Duke
- Pixel Quest Level Design by The_Duke
- Essentia trailer by The_Duke
- Scratch Brackets 2015 Sign-Up by The_Duke
- 100 SIGNATURES TO STOP BULLYING remix remix by The_Duke
- Sprite pack by The_Duke
- Poser! v. 1.1.0 by The_Duke
- errr... this is a thing i just did by The_Duke
- Merry Christmas! by The_Duke
- Colour Wars 2 Signup by The_Duke
- happy b-day TG! by The_Duke
- Beautiful Life CCE by The_Duke
- make a blob! CCE by The_Duke
- wheatly by The_Duke
- Triangulum decoder (3 letters back) by The_Duke
- Voting Awards! remix by The_Duke
- attempt at drawing my triangulum... by The_Duke
- Add yourself eating a giant pretzel remix by The_Duke
- New accounts! by The_Duke
- hexa by The_Duke
- toothless! :D by The_Duke
- Pokelist by The_Duke
- announcements! by The_Duke
- Then look again.(Signed) remix by The_Duke
- Logos Needed! remix by The_Duke
- contest results by The_Duke
- CHARGED demo 1.0.0 by The_Duke
- help/example @blust by The_Duke
- CHARGED demo engine by The_Duke
- i might have been just slightly bored... by The_Duke
- Stick Hero leak/preview by The_Duke
- 300! by The_Duke
- Eeveelutions RP Entry Sheet remix by The_Duke
- moar art :3 by The_Duke
- some art :) by The_Duke
- a nother pen tool drawing! :D by The_Duke
- 3D Block remix by The_Duke
- pokeball generator by The_Duke
- Loading sign by The_Duke
- PokeCloudBattle 0.1 by The_Duke