SuperScratcher_1234 » Favorites (428)
Dandelion Blowing (Fibonacci snowflake spirals) by crkcity
Hogyan legyél te is wikiszerkesztő? (Egyszerű Magyarázó projekt) by simi_agame
MÁV V63 Simulator 1.1 by Hungarian_Mapper
3D Laptop by LawsOfScienceChanger
Scratch Tools Authentication by SuperScratcher_1234
Is Griffpatch following you? (social connections experiment) #all by Mr-Mathmatical
100% Pen Rickroll ✒️ v1.2 by TimMcCool
Ripple Effect by epictester000
Nearest clone, no lists by TheLogFather
Scratchcat by Funny_Facts
Spooky Forest by Hobson-TV
Scratch Week Countdown: 1 Week Left! by ScratchCat
Paper Folding v1.6 by griffpatch
How to Voice Act | StormCast Pilot by StormEchoes
Map() function by Scrachrulz
can we please get equal loves and favorites thanks by isthistaken123
Scratch Blocks Generator for Pictures by Scratch-Minion
Car Physics by ErnieParke
Costume Editor Simulator by 12IronMan
Exact Dragging by MiniCoder11
GA & ANN - serial workers: fish in a river by DiegoOld
Neural Networks - tanh by eleventyOne
Text Sentiment Analyzer Engine v1.2 by SuperScratcher_1234
Using the Pitch Effect Block to Make Realistic Engine Sound Effects by TheGreenFlash
Simple Pen Text Engine (Tutorial?) by Simonsez04
google new year party popper by Twin138956Scratch
Don’t Read The Instructions by DontReadMyAbuotMe
Pen Painting#5 (Rainy Day) by The_Surrealist
How Za-Chary Are You? by Za-Chary
@efils' Blog by efils
Turbo Mode Detector by TenType
Explosion Engine + Tutorial (100% Pen) by -Yodasaurus-
Swedish Advent Candelabrum by papipupepappa
Scratch Color Scheme by papipupepappa
Dance, Scratch Cat, Dance! by papipupepappa
Florence Price's Symphony #1, mov. 3 by scmb1
Particles! by theChAOTiC
Old Film Effect by Wes64test
Random Meower by The_Grits
List-Based Assistant Backend by lisa_wolfgang
CloudConnect II by lisa_wolfgang
Scratcharia (#2) v2.7.1 by griffpatch
oh hai by ceebee
Scratch Cat Leaves a Note by ceebee
Particle Emitter by MiniCoder11
How to Pen by PullJosh
SCRATCH UI 4.0 by design-ileb7
PFP Renderer! by -GreenCat-
S3BRIDGE: node.js connector by paulolc
Kör Kerület, Terület Számoló by Mylan1173
100%pen ON,OFFのボタン by vgnz93hs
Under The Sea [PEN] by haramey
Aufschwung - R. Schumann (Noteblock) by vedrc
Scratch 3.0 Vector Art Tutorial! by ss8792
Scratch Camp 2020 by Bebel_Coder
Scratch Camp 2020 Teaser by ScratchCat
Scratch 3.0 is here! by ScratchCat
How Sine Waves Actually Work by PullJosh
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ by StratfordJames1