SirDucklingTheHumble » Shared Projects (12)
What if the world turned into a FPS? by SirDucklingTheHumble
Antimatter characters by SirDucklingTheHumble
Pump, Thompson, and M1 Garand 1.3 by SirDucklingTheHumble
Apocolypse and strange noises by SirDucklingTheHumble
pIzZa TiMe by SirDucklingTheHumble
The Chronicle of Scratch Trailer by SirDucklingTheHumble
do you like how i walk but its pretty broken by SirDucklingTheHumble
Charles No, Save Yourself Man by SirDucklingTheHumble
Ninja Assassin Engine by SirDucklingTheHumble
Serious Bruh Comments Animated by SirDucklingTheHumble
My Bio by SirDucklingTheHumble
Totally Epic Ninja Shooter by SirDucklingTheHumble