Scratcher Joined 2 years, 1 month ago United States

About me

w e l c o m e t o
⛛ s h a r k z g o d ' s p r o f i l e ⛛

⯌follow me and you dreams⯌

⯌designs and art⯌

⯌art, quality and fun⯌

I am working on something... *machine sound*

What I'm working on

◖l no f4f, please don't ask me and no hate l◗

⯌my goal is high, my current result low, to get 1000 followers⯌

followers: 258 • 1000 (we are a 1/4 way there!)

⋟^◕ܫ◕^⋞ can I be famous please?

What I've been doing


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