Scratcher Joined 5 years ago United States
About me
Hi, i'm ROGER 78^D
I like to remix good projects and make them better by fixing things they may be missing; or just by putting a new spin on things.
What I'm working on
i'm planning to make a few of my own projects in the future.
like this -------------------------------------------------->
ceasless caverns
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (13)
View all- The bEst Kirby (jump) Song I N(s)V I(c)N C I(a)B I L(r)I T(e)Y by RogerDodger672
- Animating your Ideas - Submission Form remix by RogerDodger672
- UnderCookedtail by RogerDodger672
- F-Zero a Challenging remix v0.8 DEMO by RogerDodger672
- Deltarune DEMO part 2 by RogerDodger672
- Undertale Demo remix A continuation by RogerDodger672
- GRILLED by RogerDodger672
- sans remix by RogerDodger672
- Relative Platforming by RogerDodger672
- Unrelated Engine v0.6 by RogerDodger672
- Remix by RogerDodger672
- it is rubbish!!!!!! !?eh si erehw by RogerDodger672
- MMMMMegalovania by RogerDodger672
Favorite Projects
View all- Super Mario Bros. On Scratch by _meow-gobo_
- Among Us Platformer! by atomicmagicnumber
- Space Invaders by codergeek
- 1 Duck by LiamIsCool142
- ▶Minecraft Platformer◀ ▶マインクラフトプラットフォーマー◀ by zyo-ka-da
- Ghostly Garden by Frizja
- 天空のアスレチックプラットフォーマー sky #game #拡散希望 by Atsukinman
- Flappy Bird Online by Houchdj
- ROBLOX online by SANIC1000
- ☁ONLINE大脱走2_prison break2 by zyo-ka-da
- Stick Skate | #Games #All #Art #Trending by Scream_SodaYT
- Nitro Racing - Car Racing Game by alexandretherrien
- TRICK or TREAT! (unfinished) by --Loot--
- Yippie clicker | V0.1 #All #Games by AnthonyTheNob
- ▹ playlist by tofuninja13
- Doodly Around the World ✏️ by boxthings2
- スイカゲームscratch版 remix by tkhs2011
- Monster Run || #games by Pepperoni_Of_Scratch
- 2048 by HakkerKat
- Minecraft-ish MMO v1.7 by griffpatch
Studios I'm Following
View all- ♫ Add Music ♫
- Add Whatever
- | UTSA competition |
- Platformer Fan Club!
- the 1,000,0000 projects galleries
- every project on the earth OF SCRATCH 24991 projects
- Add Anything!
- 1,000,000 Projects
- Every Project in the WORLD!
- Scratchtober 2023
- ~The Effects Studio~
- Beaches and Seashells
- Dreams
- Scratch Camp 2022 Translations
- Superpowers & Magical Beings
- Magical Creatures
- Mythical Worlds
- Retro Games HQ
- The Retro Games Arcade
- Retro Games
Studios I Curate
View all- ○●○hey kids wanna play in my ball pit●○●
- Sonic_Raptor5678 animations
- Speedworld
- Super Mario 2D land 4
- The studio . . .
- || Spike's fans/friends ||
- Nicely 'Emulated' Games
- New animation by Mazinanimtions!!
- lightblue012さんの作品を是非見てください!!!
- Berricake's Official Fan Club ❧
- Try not to make my laugh,cry, or make me embarrassed
- Online School in a Nutshell
- Super Scratch Kart
- im better now!!
- Vote to me.
- i need some help.
- IMPORTANT!!(to my followers)Read the description!
- Defenser
- Untitled Studio
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