Scratcher Joined 6 years, 6 months ago France
About me
Je suis fan de programmation et de jeux vidéos depuis toujours. Minecraft est le meilleur jeu vidéo au monde, dites moi si vous l'aimez aussi.
J'adore aussi les renards, c'est trop chou <3
What I'm working on
Malgré le fait que je ne trouve pas les platformers originaux, je suis en train d'en faire un pour m'améliorer sur scratch.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (12)
View all- Suis-je en ligne ? / I'm online? by Robin26750
- Gravity - Refonte - Alpha by Robin26750
- Noubie Adventure | A plateformer by Robin26750
- Éditeur de texte 100% pen by Robin26750
- Robin26750 Intro (mon intro) by Robin26750
- Zombie Attak v.1.0 by Robin26750
- STOP au harcèlement (Remix et signe) by Robin26750
- Tu aimes Harry Potter ?? Alors signe !!! remix remix by Robin26750
- " J'give " (sans animation) by Robin26750
- Shadow vs Spirit version 1.0 by Robin26750
- Calculatrice 2-0-0 by Robin26750
Favorite Projects
View all- ☁️ Cloud Scratch profile lookup by TimMcCool by TimMcCool
- Bullet Train II by -RipeMangoes-
- Bridge Escape v1.1 by -canCode-
- Slime avoids by yaminotukaite
- Pineapple Paradise by EntoChicky
- Clear | #games by Riddle_5
- Circle Simulator. V1.3.7 by Badman1254
- Miner Simulator by McFennec
- Vectoid TD 3D v1.4 by ggenije
- ☁Cloud Live Messages Count by Profrozer
- How to Draw a Baby Fox by Daffodil_alias_Daffo
- Eevee Blockshade - Evoli by Daffodil_alias_Daffo
- Uqarium by M6_Production
- Which Wednesday Character Are You? by periwinkle_stars
- thank you!! <3 by moskinator
- Platformer AND Clicker Version 1.3 by -Scratch_Project
- Jupiter clicker! #trending #all #popular #art #tutorials #all # games by badguy123123
- multitruc là... (construction) by NL4_videogame
- Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
- BLORKZ by zangolotino
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- Concours
- France studio
- suivre projet:1 nouveaux projets!
- ★ Bidulule Fan&Friends Club ★
- Projets 100% pen de Robin26750 !
- Zombie Attak
- Je quitte scratch
- Animal Crossing
- Studio libre
- Studio de @I_bts_U
- Résultats de la tombola
- C'est important le studio de @sasarouille2
- Monsters..... :~(
- OC Competition!
- Happy Mother's Day !
- @-HoneyMint- fan club !
- PLEASE Support us !
- My thoughts.
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