Scratcher Joined 8 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
My name is Rafe
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (44)
View all- Fox and Husky Mini's by RafeHall
- -The Maze Runner- by RafeHall
- -Christmas Games- by RafeHall
- Battle on Mustafar by RafeHall
- The Lego Batman Movie: Catch the Batarangs by RafeHall
- The Legend of Zelda Quiz by RafeHall
- Name that Mario Character! by RafeHall
- Which Greek God Are You? by RafeHall
- Harry Potter - The Final Quiz by RafeHall
- Pottermore - The Sorting Hat by RafeHall
- Gravity Guy by RafeHall
- */Disney Moana/* by RafeHall
- */Disney Moana Platformer/* by RafeHall
- Moana Personality Quiz!! by RafeHall
- ❃❁ ~ Moana - Music Box ~ ❁❃ by RafeHall
- Harry Potter In 99 Seconds By Paint by RafeHall
- Star Wars In 99 Seconds By Paint by RafeHall
- Harry Potter: The Quidditch Games by RafeHall
- The Mysterious Ticking Noise (The Puppet Pals) by RafeHall
- Survive by RafeHall
Favorite Projects
View all- Fix it Felix Jr. The Game by lego_ninja
- Tribute to Teresa Agnes (The Maze Runner) by Katniss96
- The Math Runners by shamurocks4
- The Maze Runner Quiz (First Book) by auderuiter
- The Maze Runner Quiz by mall_shopper
- The Maze Runner by amtorre
- Anti-puzzle by Tetral-
- Pokémon: Prestige collector by Jenga67
- Jumper (Platformer) by Depicklator
- 3DS Game Simulator (Beta) by Nintendo_3DS
- Rainforest Exploration by DarthDort123
- Rendering Texture Partials to Triangles (UV coords) by TiberiumFusion
- Engulf - a puzzle game by heldlaw
- Soundformer (A Platformer Game) by actk
- Attack of the Lava Spider Aliens by ForbiddenShrew
- Red Beard by jitkazidka
- Maze Game by AlSweigart
- Eevee dances to Lego Batman Movie Music (Cute) by PrincessAgnes
- Lego Batman Movie Music by zacharys752
- darkness! lego movie by UltimentAnimater
Studios I'm Following
View all- DIY Studio
- Wonder
- BriggHall
- Harry Potter: The Best Projects Collection
- Hermione Granger Fan Club
- Studio C
- Ravenclaw
- Share Your Scratch Journey
- Happy Birthday, Scratch!
- Auli'i Cravalho
- Moana
- /*-*\ Nature Needs Help! /*-*\
- Spring Yard Zone
- Nobody likes Dolores Umbridge
- */Disney's Moana/*
- Add anything you want to this stuidio
- Shy Guy Troop Channel
- Moana Studio
- Brian105309's followers
- Moana!!!
Studios I Curate
View all- The Mandalorian Studio
- BriggHall
- Harry Potter: The Best Projects Collection
- Harry Potter RP
- Hermione Granger Fan Club
- Ravenclaw
- Add anything you want to this stuidio
- /*-*\ Nature Needs Help! /*-*\
- Moana Studio
- Moana!!!
- */Disney's Moana/*
- Harry Potter Fan Lovers
- Harry Potter Fans Only
- Potatoes Aren't Hufflepuffs! ❾¾
- Harry Potter Fan Club! ♥ (And RP)!
- Let's Save Hermione!!!
- Harry Potter: Characters, Wands, Spells Sprites
- Awesome Scratchers Around The World!
- Stop the bullying!!!
- Hermione Granger Fan Club!!
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