Scratcher Joined 3 years ago United States
About me
Call me MK!
@AndGoatz4 is my Scratch rival.
@X-_Jet_-X is my best friend.
No F4F.
NO hate of any kind.
Author and Storyteller
HUGE fan of anything RR
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- My Identities by MusicKid30
- Holy- by MusicKid30
- Ch 90 ~ Tales of Perfectheart [Reaction] [100 Project Special] by MusicKid30
- Movement Test by MusicKid30
- Meme template I made by MusicKid30
- I'm 15 now baby! by MusicKid30
- Jay art my friend made by MusicKid30
- Flying in the Dark - Chapter 20 [REACTION] by MusicKid30
- ADHD Bingo! My take by MusicKid30
- Incorrect quote by MusicKid30
- A more complex animation by MusicKid30
- Scratch Cat walks by MusicKid30
- Come join me! by MusicKid30
- Sign if you love Hamilton! remix remix by MusicKid30
- WARIO! by MusicKid30
- First day of high school... by MusicKid30
- Flying in the Dark - Chapter 19 [Reaction] by MusicKid30
- Can’t wait to start school again! ( This is a sarcasm btw) by MusicKid30
- Pasketii by MusicKid30
- Dog. by MusicKid30
Favorite Projects
View all- 20 Cute Animal Pics by MemesShark
- Toph characters in clan gen by 9rainbowtails
- I force an ai to make a toph chapter over and over again by 9rainbowtails
- { Fox creator } by Cool_fox_coder
- Toph Valentine Cards by 9rainbowtails
- -1- Music of ToPH Characters by 9rainbowtails
- Pawpawpaw <3 by snurpythesnail
- Imagine making a friend and hold hands the same day you met them… by -Blackpelt-
- D.A.N.C.E by 9rainbowtails
- June malfunctioning by 9rainbowtails
- Year of Ranboopom by 9rainbowtails
- Prehalloween Rocket Ranboo Mission 2 by 9rainbowtails
- 3 panels each from Ch 91-94 by 9rainbowtails
- Evil Hornetstar/spark >:3 by QueenMEOWMEW_396
- Not sus…. by -ChimiCat-
- Some old gift stash I never shared + theory by s-MERLIN
- Ch 90 ~ Tales of Perfectheart by 9rainbowtails
- new favourite animal by _birb-alertt_
- [Poketoph] za game by creativitee2-0
- I fight with an ai to retell Perfectpaw's story by 9rainbowtails
Studios I'm Following
View all- Disability Pride Month | July 2023
- you and is rapidly approaching
- where my hamilton fans at???
- The mëntally insãne™️ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Neuro-Squiggles: ND Voices
- LGBTQ+ Club
- Autistic Hangout
- everyone but you
- Flying in the Dark: OFFICIAL Studio
- amphibia and owl house pfp cult
- * Stormy's Chat *
- you into electrical.
- Certified Weirdos™
- the hunt for x || pixelmon series
- The Amphiclub (Amphibia Fanclub)
- [SPOILERS] The Owl House Fanclub
- Autism Acceptance Studio!!! ❤️
Studios I Curate
View all- ADHD Awareness Month 2024
- Scratch RPs
- Jay's Hangout Place
- ADHD Awareness Month 2023
- LGBTQ support studio
- they call me mr. autistic boombastic
- +The Sonic Studio+
- where my hamilton fans at???
- Official @MusicKid30 Chatroom
- [Removed by ST]
- Neuro-Squiggles: ND Voices
- amphibia and owl house pfp cult
- Certified Weirdos™
- My followers
- Bluey studio
- wal_dad studios /cat studios
- ~C a m i l o A r m y~
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