Scratcher Joined 6 years, 10 months ago Ukraine
About me
Chance of leaving: 1%
When I reach 20,000 projects I move to Eggdart.
Do not send me random studio invites or i will unfollow you.
What I'm working on
I have 23.6 blobeklevel.
Send me remix chains.
Uploading at least once daily until I move or leave.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Who is Kaj? by MAPOER
- new scratch community wiki!!! by MAPOER
- MTBOB1% [34] by MAPOER
- d a r k n e s s by MAPOER
- cursed mapoer by MAPOER
- Audio glitch by MAPOER
- Andy the Ant Keeper by MAPOER
- Ruin This More [7] by MAPOER
- If you don't remix this you're not a true fan by MAPOER
- cat vibing to 43 chars by MAPOER
- hamburger cheeseburger by MAPOER
- tabi vs someone by MAPOER
- X3NO Font v4.8 by MAPOER
- Remix and add one red hat block [48] by MAPOER
- sneaky peeky by MAPOER
- g e t d o w n by MAPOER
- Scotland by MAPOER
- Remix and add one red hat block [46] by MAPOER
Favorite Projects
View all- who should be my new OC? by bendyluie
- IN_R7fvt-Cgw7G8m5s85ugiDYGaSWBMyVx2lV7e6a3GM5s0SXnT7K2OUSthL6BTOan by 10kProjects
- Which Team Wins by Theanimalteam17
- Untitled-1 by griffpatch
- Investor by magicsparklecat
- Stop liking this by BubblegumMuffin
- Do I Hate Nooalf? by gabrieltheniceguy
- Glitch To Get Followers! by Panda_Dude
- يا إلهي I found Dio from Minecraft! by MAPOER
- nature danger animation by hamilia212
- I can't decide Meme by Moonpaw12345
- How Pico Got His Headphones: A mystery we may never know... by WaterComesBack
- If Pokemon GO Was Real... Pt2 by luccaloo
- v by 777w
- letter V - bailey by coding2020-21
- Stamp Letter V by zakorocks1258
- Letter V Variablized by STMFall13Will
- Draw the letter "V" by LavalCragger
- Letter V by zakorocks1258
- I like letter V too! by IzzyIguana1536
Studios I'm Following
View all- Official Nooalf/Neweralf/Alphabest Club
- I
- TO
- Untitled
- Stop Blobekman100's Hacker!
- Zeros!
- Anti-F4F Studio
- Студія українських скретчерів
- griffpatch*
- abandoned group
- #StopStudioInviteSpammers
- Projects
- Farewell cs3193015
- Remix and ruin Studio
- (Change The qq to gg)
- Best studio ever
- e
- Griffpatch, we are your biggest fans!!!
Studios I Curate
View all- 50/50
- The Scratch Shop
- Former daily featured projects
- Anti-Ruiner Action
- add your projects and nothing will happen
- Countryfriends Studio
- I HAVE A WIKI (sorry for the invite)
- Nick the Ninja Protection Agency
- Scratch AU: The Catglitch War
- Scratch Saver Tournament (SERIES)
- finland with crossed out cracked scratch logo
- The Nooalf Gang
- TrashFash
- Stop Blobekman100's Hacker!
- Студія українських скретчерів
- Anti-F4F Studio
- _everybody_’s studio
- -
- TTGAPFEC Translations
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