LesterScratch » Shared Projects (65)
Pen Distortion Example by LesterScratch
Why I Might Have Quit Scratch by LesterScratch
Daily Invasion (Alpha IV) by LesterScratch
Daily Invasion (Alpha III) by LesterScratch
Daily Invasion (Alpha II) by LesterScratch
Daily Invasion (Alpha I) by LesterScratch
Optimize Your Blocks! by LesterScratch
Solitude (Visualizer) by LesterScratch
☁ Scratchtris (Alpha) + Multiplayer Test by LesterScratch
Beat-Tac-Toe (beta) by LesterScratch
Darkside, but there are particles by LesterScratch
Square Platformer Unfinished + Editor by LesterScratch
Vector Wave, but there are particles by LesterScratch
Level Editor Test by LesterScratch
Storming by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access 8) by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access 7) by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access 6) by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access 5) by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access 4) by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access 3) by LesterScratch
Tricolor by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access 2) by LesterScratch
The Hexagon (Super Hexagon) by LesterScratch
YicYacYoe WIP by LesterScratch
How I saved my Backpack by LesterScratch
2.5d-ish 2 by LesterScratch
2.5d-ish by LesterScratch
zoomstuff by LesterScratch
Mine Build Protect by LesterScratch
Happy 11th Scratch Day by LesterScratch
Turretic by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter 2 (Early Access) by LesterScratch
3D Jumping Springs w/ Rainbow Background by LesterScratch
Destroy the Vault (WIP) by LesterScratch
Player Ball (Pen) Custom Level Previewer by LesterScratch
Player Ball (100% pen) by LesterScratch
Stars Test 100% Pen by LesterScratch
Poly by LesterScratch
Add Yourself As An Egg! Remixed by LesterScratch by LesterScratch
LesterScratch's Intro (100% pen) by LesterScratch
Turret Shooter (100% pen) by LesterScratch
Rock Paper Scissors Battle - Bouncing Bubbles by LesterScratch
Turn and Shoot by LesterScratch
RGBCMYW by LesterScratch
Happy 10th Birthday Scratch! by LesterScratch
Me And My Projectiles VOL 2 by LesterScratch
Me And My Projectiles by LesterScratch
Scratch DOS (Pen instead of costume) (Unfinished Version) by LesterScratch
Typewriter (Pen instead of costume) by LesterScratch
You are an idiot 2 by LesterScratch
Terrain Destroying Simulation by LesterScratch
Red Away by LesterScratch
Rainbow Hexagon by LesterScratch
Void Hexagon by LesterScratch
Random Hexagon by LesterScratch
Spinny Hexagon by LesterScratch
Hexagon by LesterScratch
Draw Using Keyboard by LesterScratch