Scratcher Joined 3 years, 2 months ago Taiwan
About me
年齡 : 13歲(七年級)
性別 : 男
喜歡的人事物 : 西田有志、踢足球、Scratch
興趣 : 足球、排球、勞作、看書
崇拜的人 : @shanelin1209、 @liaoann、 @brianlin100、 @lion1011231
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (66)
View all- 2023貓咪盃-進擊的入侵種 by LaQ-huang
- UNDERTALE AU : Final Judgement by LaQ-huang
- 靈妖世界預告#5 by LaQ-huang
- 2022貓咪盃-淨海行動 by LaQ-huang
- 大風車骨龍炮 Better ver. by LaQ-huang
- 抱歉 by LaQ-huang
- undertale_-last-breath---an-enigmatic-encounter----remastered-- remix by LaQ-huang
- 骨龍炮模板 by LaQ-huang
- Scratch cat - Art by LaQ-huang
- Scratch Cat #6 by LaQ-huang
- コンテスト開催中☆ remix by LaQ-huang
- esperアニメーション by LaQ-huang
- 西裝素材 by LaQ-huang
- 大地圖移動引擎 by LaQ-huang
- Untitled-7 by LaQ-huang
- For LaQ-huang remix by LaQ-huang
- 2023的頭像! by LaQ-huang
- Scratch Cat #5 by LaQ-huang
- 骨龍炮 remix by LaQ-huang
- 素材-scratch cat頭部 remix remix by LaQ-huang
Favorite Projects
View all- [Scratch 3] 3D Tutorial Part 1 : Introduction by MathMathMath
- 絕望吧!這就是宇智波斑!神的力量!#art by SUMMER_KAO
- Clock _ #All #Art #Clock by KhanamP1406
- 之前好像都沒有向Scratch正式告別過... by liaoann
- ☁️ YouTube Video + Audio Player (keeps breaking down) by TimMcCool
- <|| Chambers beneath ||> (Mobile friendly) #chill #all #art #spider by cashewnutboi
- Plants vs Zombies 3D by starfruit4095
- PGMA - Stumped by Data-base
- Scratch in Scratch #games #all by Fuzzee_animations
- ScratchTale: The Last Corridor by -JustChillin-
- Crossy 危險過境 by LCGcheng
- Appel Let's Play 実況プレイ 実況プレイ Lets Play by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
- 世界冒險EP29:火神鳥之戰 by brianlin100
- Chrome Dino | #All #Games by yoshihome
- Off to Space! by PhilHub
- chatGPT | Linux-Scratcher by Linux-Scratcher
- Music Timer Engine (Black) by scolder19
- 混沌擺 by 11170502
- Scratchle v1.1 - Wordle With Scratch Blocks! by yippymishy
- FNF Scratch Cat Test by quocuy2009
Studios I'm Following
View all- "希望の地獄" 公式 スタジオ
- 粉獅工作室
- 盟靈召喚工作室 (盟靈召喚製作團隊)
- esper ٩( ᐛ )و
- Art
- 無名創作坊
- (笑)アニメ 公式スタジオ
- Translations: Giving Thanks
- RPG Tutorial 1 to 11
- Scratch LOL連線✪之戰計劃(已停止此創作坊)
- esper season1
- 魂獸
- 【拡散希望】剣をカッコよくして!
- fight John vs The Shadow Monster
- 應用程式
- 我全部的scratch cat專案
- 編程問題討論區
- Epic Scrolling Platformers
- Sprite Trails Tutorial
Studios I Curate
View all- (OUT NOW) Color Crusade
- 災厄世界動畫創作團隊
- 關於我轉生成為魔影神這檔事and進擊的貓貓官方創作坊
- 進擊的馬桶官網
- 月影工作室
- Anycon invites you
- 編程問題及教學區
- ⭐ Erichsu903 Fan Club!
- xxy0120的關注者團
- 全球專案Global Scratch Projects
- Scratchers基地集合點(Scratchers' home)
- "希望の地獄" 公式 スタジオ
- SOG 太陽之海
- SUN Ocantiono Games(太陽之海遊戲工作室)
- Advertising 102
- Advertising 101
- Art
- Game
- Detention Escapist Fanbase
- The best Scratchers!
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