Scratcher Joined 4 years, 6 months ago Argentina
About me
TENGO 10 Y AMO PROGRAMAR DESDE QUE TENGO 7 los a que me sigan no se olviden de unirse a el estudio hola!! y multijujugdor
yo amo el arte y todo lo que es exprecion artística
What I'm working on
yo me tardo y ajo cualquier cosa
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (8)
View all- the foxy gif by LULU369KIALI
- arte-dibujos hechos en la vida real!! by LULU369KIALI
- In the making/Clock remix by LULU369KIALI
- presentaciones-yo les presento a... by LULU369KIALI
- Geometry Dash 1.0 by LULU369KIALI
- Piano toca las canciones by LULU369KIALI
- Coffin Dance Framing by LULU369KIALI
Favorite Projects
View all- \\The Purple Guy Song\\ remix by Thepurpleguy-_-
- In the making/Clock by purpleguy1000
- Speed by asielgomez
- potato clicker by Hambager
- Winter, a 3d platformer, [ games , art, all , Tutorials] by hamster46
- Amoeba by panther__
- Add yourself! remix remix-2 by Ponyopesiolinatu
- oosaudddddddsdajfpaolb by redfong
- XBOX and PlayStation Startup Sounds by redfong
- The Shop-Short Film by redfong
- Report Nathanstar28 now! by redfong
- Stuff-Short Film by redfong
- Minecraft Mario Platformer 2 ✪✪✪✪✪✪ Epic mobile friendly ready games with animations and music! by atomicmagicnumber
- Dino run ! by --Coder_Unknown--
- presentaciones-yo les presento a... by LULU369KIALI
- Error- Error- by -Foxy_The-Fox
- Meet Bonnie! by -Bonnie_Bunny
- Meeting Chica! by -Chica_Chicken
- Meet Freddy! by _Freddy_Fazbear-
- HELP WANTED! by _Freddy_Fazbear-
Studios I'm Following
View all- @vicbri345 Friends and followers
- Cursed Projects
- ARTE!!
- Calvin and Hobbes
- F4F,advertise, acctualy anything you want! moo! Lol
- Guys he left
- hola!!
- Animator Squad
- Pac-Man 0.7 (pacman challenge for coders)
- Marshiemallowcutie Fan Club!
- follow @Emamorales , gran amiga
- my amazing friends!! :D let's get to 100 managers!
- The Triwizard Tournament T.T.T.
- Cloud Games(☁)
- multi jugador/multiplayer
- Animal And Plant Club
- Happy Homes for Kids RP
- fans de "jesse y joy" :)
- Spanish Classes
- Argentinos y Argentinas
Studios I Curate
View all- @vicbri345 Friends and followers
- Cursed Projects
- ARTE!!
- Calvin and Hobbes
- F4F,advertise, acctualy anything you want! moo! Lol
- Animator Squad
- Pac-Man 0.7 (pacman challenge for coders)
- Marshiemallowcutie Fan Club!
- Truth or Dare Challengers!
- follow @Emamorales , gran amiga
- my amazing friends!! :D let's get to 100 managers!
- The Triwizard Tournament T.T.T.
- multi jugador/multiplayer
- Animal And Plant Club
- Happy Homes for Kids RP
- Spanish Classes
- PotatoAnimator | Fans and Friends
- hola!!
View allFollowers
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