Scratcher Joined 4 years, 2 months ago Spain
About me
16 year old spaniard
artist, trainman, f1 and car enthusiast
creator of the U6
What I'm working on
cool guygs:
@CyanPlumber258 @Marshmallow_CuteBird @MinorCrafterpro @fabulouslmq95 @TrainKid2248
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (65)
View all- US of A trip photo dump by JockErtl300
- me official timeline by JockErtl300
- oh boi train lads- by JockErtl300
- RENFE Screenboard - Oviedo by JockErtl300
- new trains by JockErtl300
- AYRTON SENNA by JockErtl300
- AU but better by JockErtl300
- Picolo PCC by JockErtl300
- Picolo Centurione by JockErtl300
- spanish button by JockErtl300
- Untitled-AU-Lore-when by JockErtl300
- Papaya siblings when by JockErtl300
- Untitled-AU-Lore by JockErtl300
- rappaper and lammer by JockErtl300
- cute ært by JockErtl300
- mœr ært by JockErtl300
- Untitled-AU_pack by JockErtl300
- Picolo PV8 Rápito by JockErtl300
Favorite Projects
View all- My Ideal Rosetta and Luma by CyanPlumber258
- Anime Trainzzzzz by CyanPlumber258
- I Was Bored- by TrainKid2248
- Insert Project Title Here™️ (02) by TrainKid2248
- how to move stuff offscreen by Unoriginal_Fox
- Jocko n Brooke by CyanPlumber258
- G2 Diesel Character Designs by CyanPlumber258
- › aesthetic fonts by xaurora
- Pizza Factory Tycoon by Ham5andw1ch
- Parappa The Rapper The Engine by The-Bloxmouse
- blood hat 3 by aRandomShyGuy
- Parappa The Rapper 2: Stage Select 1 Music Box by The_VG_Resource
- Parappa The Rapper 2: Stage Select 2 Music Box by The_VG_Resource
- Parappa The Rapper 2: Hair Scare by The_VG_Resource
- Parappa The Rapper 2: Food Court by The_VG_Resource
- Parappa The Rapper 2: Noodles Can't Be Beat by The_VG_Resource
- Parappa The Rapper 2-Final Stage: Always Love! by The_VG_Resource
- PS1 Start-up screen remake by JPiZZleScrAtch
- by annaales
- on the edge by ElmiraElmirson
Studios I'm Following
View all- Follow if You're UNNOTICED
- Engines of Eight Models
- Ayrton Senna Fanclub
- when the AU
- Sprites
- Español de España
- España
- CyanPlumber258's angled view stuff
- Formula 1
- F1 - Formula 1 racing
- MIT Formula Scratch Championship
- GarFlex Tape
- Baljeet Fan Club
- your mom home lol
- The Mehem7000 Archive
- meh and hanna
- The Scratch 3.0 Show Season 1
- you. Seriously. They are right behind you.
- is now following is now following is now following
Studios I Curate
View all- when the AU
- España
- MIT Formula Scratch Championship
- (IHID) Yeetendo Official DevStudio
- oops not this one
- Scratchland Republic/ Республика Скретчленд
- Marshy Transport
- TransUnion Alliance official studio
- ||Undertail|| Alex and Froxy series Studio
- (Closed)
- paducah and louisville oc army
- The SST Modelling crew
- Sprites For TFS
- The Fallout Series Studio
- Marshy's Army To Save Scratch (sorry for invite)
- RWSEdward2's Sodor Fallout RP Studio
- "Caleb's Railway" (C.R)
- pearl protection army
- Edwards random camp for talking trains
- TTTE Friday Night Funkin Vectors
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