
Scratcher Joined 8 years, 7 months ago United States

About me

I'm very funny,sweet,and kind.I have three sisters and one brother.I love to do art,it's my life. I am Taken by an amazing guy Plz Follow me!<3

If you get here type "Pizza" at comment

What I'm working on

I'm working on anime personality!
Follow @Nerd_Out_Loud and
@Music_Monsta !
PUT THIΔ ΩΠ ΨΩUR PRΩҒILΣ IҒ ΨΩU ΔRΣ Δ DEMIGOD! βάλτε αυτό στο προφίλ σας, αν είστε ένας ημίθεος!

Plz follow me to!<3

Cyber-Bullying Remix

What I've been doing


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