
Scratcher Joined 1 month, 3 weeks ago United Kingdom

About me

Hello! This is the HWR with our snacks we're selling everywhere in the United Kingdom: Tesco, Costco, etc.

Our locomotive that works on here: @thomastrains61

Do you live in the US? @HWR_Snacks_USA!

What I'm working on

Buy here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1097787203/

⡽⣬⠷⣭⠾⡵⢯⠾⣵ Woah!
⡟⡴⢫⡜⡭⣽⡎⡝⣾ HWRties!
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⣿⢤⢻⢻⢴⢫⡝⡆⢹ ...If you LOVE HWRties!

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