Scratcher Joined 2 years ago Saudi Arabia
About me
DOES ANYONE WANNA F4F?????????????
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What I'm working on
getting my games to have a lot of views so I can be a famous scratcher and stuff
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Shared Projects (15)
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za thing by GlitchGamer2500
New intro! by GlitchGamer2500
cool profile or studio photos by GlitchGamer2500
dodge. the platformer by GlitchGamer2500
SUPER CHAT by GlitchGamer2500
DA COMPETITION by GlitchGamer2500
my dream be like by GlitchGamer2500
scratch be like by GlitchGamer2500
Python in Scratch by GlitchGamer2500
Runner Guy! v1.9.3 Platform Rage by GlitchGamer2500
block cube by GlitchGamer2500
griffpatch platformer but not online by GlitchGamer2500
Ik Lenin by GlitchGamer2500
Sonic the Scratch Cat (Beta) #games #art #good by GlitchGamer2500
fortune teller by GlitchGamer2500
Favorite Projects
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Free Intro by -TIC-
Sticktopia Ep. 1 - Slam Dunk! by Sticktopia
Outro for @-Honer by C12ehdm0W0-2_23
Just One Boss | Seven Seas | Collab with @TrentonTNT | #games #all #art #trending by Travister88
DynaGravity 1.3 || #Games #All by MegaEdgar
Roblox Doors (ACTUALLY UPDATED) by buldier
Scratch goes to KFC. by ZadeStuff
☁Little Fishers☁ (Online) #games #all #trending by _TigerX2_
Raise Big Floppa V1.16 by Blinkro
Youtube clicker Fully Remasterd by Adamthecreator23
Subway Cat by Adamthecreator23
the takeaway box awakens!(part one) by davio281
Dr. Johnson and the Trouble on the Strand by FrogHoppy
Exclusive griffpatch Interview! (Joke) by Castle_Hippopotamus
Laberinto 10 by Ruben_80
Repost if you’ve done these remix by EDITOR9270
Ramos vs Van Dijk by TwistingTiger_16
3D Game by shadow_amalgam
Laundry Matt #games #all #art by Yellow-Brain
fortune teller by GlitchGamer2500
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CAB jeux'an30802584. X1875 (studio of @cabcharlesM)
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Let's try and get 10k people on this studio!
Get @StarryOrange To 3k!
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