
New Scratcher Joined 2 years, 8 months ago United States

About me

Hai ^-^! I'm called Lychee, also nicknamed Licky. I'm basically the first licky cat! XD

Thanks to Tenor for Licky Cat GIF.

JOINING A STUDIO THAT IS NAMED: Licky Cats Reunite! #lickycats

What I'm working on

/ᐠ .ᆺ. ᐟ\ノ #lick
Mrow! Purr! Lick! Meowww!

Reuniting all licky cats! I follow licky cats & I hope to have licky cat followers! ^^

Paste this on your profile:
Licky Cats Reunite!

Be back in a jiffy!

What I've been doing


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