FRISKKYYY » Studios I Curate (34)
Their Dying Eyes Studio
The Betty Noire Fanclub/Glitchtale
The Undertale AU fanart studio...
this again? (bordom rp)
phase 1 (rp)
ship my oc's (with anyone)
about l.o.v.e sans
new oc (yeah, um sure)
is this... a threat? (afternoon rp)
HeartBreaker/brokenheart virus
not interesting at all (rp cuz bordom)
outer shift d.o.l
true f@7@|_ 34404
60 Follower Q&A
new oc time :)
Trickster Virus Studio
about k.o.l (also rp)
"Bad Idea" A roleplay
Three Doors (RP)
Hunger virus (og idea)
the reset (event rp)
oh boy (too many rps lol)
god of Halloween (side event rp)
"Muted" A Roleplay Studio
Astra — Rp studio
rp cus bordom :):
the residue of roses soul (rp)
so uh important
RP (i honestly do not know)
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