Def-not-Gloria-2013 » Favorites (17)
The Everything Skeleton by Def-not-Gloria-2013
SNAKE GAME by Simonsays914
Flappy Bird remix by Def-not-Gloria-2013
Vector Flappy Bird by UnstripedZebra
Dog poem by Def-not-Gloria-2013
dance moms by Gigislays101
rocky by Def-not-Gloria-2013
Geometry Dash Spam Challenge #5 Nerfed by myan02
banna time also best game ever (monkey grabbing banna) by slayjules1
cat coin rush by NYCJOEY
cat coin rush hard mode by soccerman59
Animal hunt by Gabriella by candyface334
Scratch Cat CREATOR! by MerriestMouse
BEAR CLICKER!!!!!!!! by Def-not-Gloria-2013
BASEBALL!!!!!!!!! by Def-not-Gloria-2013
DINO DRAMA by Def-not-Gloria-2013
Beach and fun by Def-not-Gloria-2013