Scratcher Joined 3 years, 1 month ago United Arab Emirates
About me
joined scratch 5 years ago and now I barely make projects but I'm gonna do one sometime soon
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (59)
View all- Scratch-Pocolypse 2: UNDEAD COMING by CraySilver
- Skill Demanding Weekends (SDWPproto) by CraySilver
- scratchkart0.2 by CraySilver
- scratchkart0.5 by CraySilver
- Scratch Snap (Demo) by CraySilver
- Pizza Tower Engine by CraySilver
- Untitled Luigi Game (PLAYTEST BUILD) by CraySilver
- Dodge The Ball! by CraySilver
- SUPER PIKMIN by CraySilver
- Duck Sim: REBORN (it's back) by CraySilver
- my dad coded this by CraySilver
- Canary-Kart 0.0.3 by CraySilver
- me by CraySilver
- platformer engine by CraySilver
- kitty by CraySilver
- Untitled-284 by CraySilver
- no ideas by CraySilver
- Canary-Kart 0.0.2 (BROKEN) by CraySilver
- Chick-Kart 0.0.1 by CraySilver
Favorite Projects
View all- eat your baby by c1lx_s
- Learn to Fly Intro by SamadiBeligaswatte1
- Scribble Switch but bad skidibu sot by geometryfool
- Scribble Switch by BeeKeyPro
- Emojis Partit||onlin by KING_OF_PLATFORMER
- How to face your fears ll #Animations #Stories #All by -JoshyLeKing-
- (v5) [MiniRevamp] Flappy's Wall Fall|| #trending #all #games #music #theCharpy by theCharpy
- I can not hold it in anymore-//#animations by -EbikToons-
- Online Mii Maker on Scratch by PrinceMatthew9998
- (Update!) Mario jumper by da12377
- CSGO Bhop SImulator (with sound) by St0ryT4ll4r
- Chick-Kart 0.0.3 but go zoooooom by PeakLizard
- ███╗░░██╗░█████╗░ ████╗░██║██╔══██╗ ██╔██╗██║██║░░██║ ██║╚████║██║░░██║ ██║░╚███║╚█████╔╝ ╚═╝░░╚══╝ by OldSchoolGarbage
- Leap! v1 - A Scrolling Platformer #all #games #trending #popular by ChaosDuck99
- Chick-Kart 0.0.1 by CraySilver
- sonic dies by sonicfan4736
- This is the most viewed scratch project by ZacharyTheAnimator
- Mario Kart 8 Screluxe v0.6.0 by Xbull_Studios
- Minecraft Beta 1.5 (3D) by BigBouncyOrange
- QURAN by alichko
Studios I'm Following
View all- a life of crime.
- Yellow Face's Warehouse
- Follow if you have any kind of pet!
- Rhythm Games!
- Sluggys!!!!!!!!!
- team rocket to blast away at the speed of light
- you home
- [FREE SHOUTOUTS™] Charpy's Empire (official fanclub)
- Stop Mass Reporting!
- Follow if your name is not mario
- Master Ox
- [ Closed ]
- 1000 project attempt!
- f r
- i e
- n
- d s
- put all your projects and just have fun
Studios I Curate
View all- Agent Blue Official Studio and Community #all #games
- Barnhouse Games
- Rhythm Games!
- td game collab
- L-Engine
- Team Elo
- The Casscoodio club
- Games Games Games!
- Stereotypes
- ❤️Studio for my followers❤️
- Chipm0nk's Friends and Followers -- Official
- welcome
- The Everything Studio
- Get famous in a day! (post anything you want!)
- king doggy's fling of dogs
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