Scratcher Joined 2 years ago United States
About me
1026 messages is my record
I'm a 13 year old boy (8th grade)
project -->
400 total views (complete)
500 total views (complete)
one of my projects "evil scratch" got taken down
What I'm working on
Thank you for 200 followers!!
Follow @Card_Deck and @Funfoot22 pls
ty @GreenTacos112-Alt for being my 100th follower!
100 followers at 6/22/2023
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (11)
View all- New MotoX3m! by CheetahGuru
- Escape from kidnapping by CheetahGuru
- Rolling ball (code from Rube Goldberg machine) by CheetahGuru
- Relaxing rain by CheetahGuru
- I like beans by CheetahGuru
- Rube Goldberg Machine v0.3 by CheetahGuru
- make a post remix for the contest by CheetahGuru
- My OC (XD) by CheetahGuru
- Speedy Platformer starting attempt v0.4 by CheetahGuru
- Click Space :D by CheetahGuru
- Choose a cat :) by CheetahGuru
Favorite Projects
View all- Halloween Run | Mobile friendly by TheLengendaryCoder
- Stickman Hero's Quest | Part 3 | #games #all #trending by Travister88
- Bouncy Ninja by mizo666
- 3d raycasting SPEED 2 by frogman54321
- flawless platformer engine v3 by frogman54321
- Penalty Shots 2 | #All #Games by yoshihome
- Wave Dash by TerribleGames123
- Minecraft by TerribleGames123
- Platformer by TerribleGames123
- Chrome Dino | #All #Games by yoshihome
- Griffpatch Adventure by NormanTheGamer
- ☀⠀seattle ~ a scrolling platformer⠀ ☀ by Rabbit507
- ☀ sunrise in seattle - a parallax ˊˎ- by -azalea
- Fortnit (ft. Francis Idaho) || #all #animations #stories by KayGames123
- Stickman Hook - Mobile Friendly by 123CCODER
- Crack The Egg! by Fnouhmenl
- MatPat's Final Theory | #animations #stories #art #music by IncognitoOrange
- Dodger - #Games #Art #Simple #Fun #lasers #aesthetic by Tripotass1
- Aztral || A Journey to Beyond || A Platformer || #Games #All #Trending by NovaSpecter
- ✨Your life - A platfomer/storygame...✨ #all #games #stories #music #trending #popular #recent by Da_coding_noob
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- Mizo Empire™
- Follow if you want lol
- Follow if you listen to music!
- Follow If You Want To!
- TerribleGames123 Fans and Friends
- ✨The everything studio™️✨[Official] |by BGHugo360™️
- Sonic Universe Fans Studio reached 10000 followers
- Bright Smile Studios! (u can add)
- City 2 l A Platformer [Sorry for the invite]
- How many curators can we add?
- Js for my announcement
- 1K Contest Green's Leauge [Sorry about the invite]
- Asteroid :D
- New Game | Flappy Dash!
- Team Equator || Scratch Olympics
- Arctic NEW GAME! plz dont add any projects
- this project will make you cry
- Bouncy Balls In A Nutshell
- ⊹ -|- Follow If You Are Pro or Wanna Be One! -|- ⊹
- City A Platformer
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