Scratcher Joined 2 years, 8 months ago France
About me
J'adore lire. J'adore les animaux. J'adore scratch. J'adore coder. J'adore les loups. J'adore les chevaux. J'adore les chats. J'adore tooooooooooooout!
J'arete de coder scratch jusqu'a ce que le cloud
What I'm working on
chat soit autorisé
MMo cloud project
Its shared but not finished
Chat is not allowed so I will stop coding on scratch until it is back,because for me scratch is nothing without cloud.And my project is even more nothing without cloud chat
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (10)
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Déssin by Catty_Horsy
Just a green square. Nothing interesting.2 by Catty_Horsy
Pronote for me by Catty_Horsy
Moi dans minecraft (J'ai recommencé a jouer): by Catty_Horsy
Chats qui jouent by Catty_Horsy
Normal || A scrolling platform by Catty_Horsy
Intro by Catty_Horsy
The story of the moon by Catty_Horsy
Soutien à l'Ukraine remix by Catty_Horsy
Remix this and share your mail record! remix by Catty_Horsy
Favorite Projects
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Among Us Emergency Meeting Button by Sawr_Playz
Arrow Rush || #games #all #trending || v1.5 by -UniverseFX-
Among Us MAP HR by Agzam4
☁ Cloud Vote [School Edition] by Will_Wam
Robot Destructor ☁ by KIKOKO_
Dear Scratch team, by swim1016
NEON SAVER PLATFORM - 1 #1 #All #Animations #Art #Games #games #platformer #trending #scratch by Deepak_Codes
[UPDATED] Catch the dot! (dot studio) by Hp726
Cube's Adventure A Platformer wall jump by Hp726
1.4K CONTEST (Win 360+ followers!) #all #art #games #animation #contest by milkcaramel-2
Block ideas! blocks that should be in scratch by Hp726
Minecraft Platformer 5 - Mobile Friendly Platformer- マインクラフトプラットフォーマー by atomicmagicnumber
Cloud MMO engine by maDU59_
Stop Being Rude! by Deepak_Codes
Rubix Cube 3x3 v0.9 #3d #games #all #rubixcube #scratch #scratchgame by Deepak_Codes
Snow Life | #games #all #Games #All #all #animations #art #stories by Deepak_Codes
⭐Desert Life⭐| Platformer v0.3 | #All #Games #Art #Music #Animations #trending by Deepak_Codes
GreenLife - 3 | Mobie Friendly | #games #all #Games #All #all #animations #art #stories #trending by Deepak_Codes
☁️ Among Us by soupgrapes
Random Maze Creator by FWOGINGTON
Studios I'm Following
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☁ Cloud Vote Studio
Les fans LGDC
Clan Bleu
Clan de la Tornade
Clan du sable
Le Clan des Brumes.
Clan de la Nuit Brillante
Clan de la Lune
clan de la lumière
Clan de la liberté
Studio lgdc
Clan du Torrent
Clan de la Brume
Le studio de mes followers
MMO Tic Tac Toe 2
Add To Be Famous!
Studios I Curate
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MOM - Made Of Money [animation]
The Unnoticed Scratchers of the World
SUS Project suckers
friendly sus studio : be nice
Alliances printemps,Soleil n°1&2, pleine lune,sable
Les chatons
Clan de la Nuit Brillante
contre le harcèlement
Clan du sable
Clan de la Tornade
clan du crépuscule
Le Clan des Brumes.
Clan de la Lune
Le studio de mes followers
MMO Tic Tac Toe 2
Les Francais - Anglais
Concours imaginaire ! Merci à mes +100 folowers ! ❤️
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