CanelaCrossing » Favorites (14)
- DAISY the Aesthetic✨ by DaisyKawaiiCute
- ♡ by -coolbeans---
- pfp for BobaGirl35 :) by -slay_queen-
- Strawberry Clicker by CanelaCrossing
- Cherry Clicker by KittenKawaiiCute
- Me encanto! by CanelaCrossing
- I made you look by -PalmPal-
- OC para CanelaCrossing by FrutasArcoiris
- Mi respuesta: by KittenKawaiiCute
- Dollify pfp maker! by iamthebestE
- Random questions remix by Sonic_girls
- When people hate rowing the boat: by Batten-Rouge
- Sticks la tejón by SticksTejon
- Hola! Soy FrutasArcoiris! by FrutasArcoiris