Scratcher Joined 5 years, 10 months ago United Kingdom
About me
Welcome to the Official BlakeIsHere Scratch!
@millyComedian4567, Stop forcing me to make I hate Flex Your Age project!
Stop inviting me to studios as well, @polarbear2.
What I'm working on
Some of my vectors.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- next by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Vectored by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Polandball! by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- BlakeIsHere: The Movie (Intro) by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- BlakeIsHere intro (Series 2, UK) by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- BlakeIsHere intro (Pilot) by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Remix & Save Communist Mr. G by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- inproved by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Hi remix by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- NFG Destrution Chain: 1 by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Baby Numbersets : 1-10 (Fixed ^3) by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- no by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Blake has an Announcement! (Animation) by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- OK, here you go! by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Give me an OC and I'll multiply it by 10. remix by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Questionable. by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- fixed by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Any ideas to update my look? by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- 10 you cheznburgers by Blake_Ashton_Corp
Favorite Projects
View all- Peppa Pig - Peppa Pig and George Pig Vector Sprites | HyperSour by HyperSour
- Ñ vs Letters 3 by finnkite
- "ナンバーブロック" intro by cs458468
- Added instrumental music by SkittingDays416-293s
- Coptic Alphabet Song but it's Bruh Toyor by finnkite
- Coptic Alphabet Song but animated with all the alphabet community shows by TheScarfedStickman
- For Bondie! OwO by Andrew2506
- i ruined the numberblocks intro by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- Cute Baby Numberblocks 1-20 by MaddieManges
- BFBB game poll by NOTCOOLCOAL
- fat l time by tristanvice
- Disney Junior Custom Ident - Family Guy by FWKScratchTwo
- ripoffblock 1 sprite by FrosguinComedian
- the wrong number by cubbygirl-1
- Numberblock 1 - Platformer by bluejay7
- Numberblocks Intro 1730 AD by cs458468
- Numberblocks Intro but it's in Welsh by Blake_Ashton_Corp
- New OC: S Kebab by haroooold
- A wanted sign for my game by haroooold
- More objects with my new assets? by haroooold
Studios I'm Following
View all- filler studio
- "Remix And Ruin" Studio!
- A studio
- 43 fricking charz
- Remove ERRORS & FILTERBOTS Messages Scratch!
- Terible Twos get's grounded
- bfb numberblocks
- cringy thumbnails (read desc)
- Grampy-Pig Fan Club!
- Numberepic studio
- Insect Numberblocks
- Follow This If You Like Fries
- Scrap for Scratch 3.0
- For People Who’s Schools Are Closed
- Chloe Carmichael HATE CLUB
- kootie pie koopa fan club!
- LEGO studio
- cursed timbuctoo images
- UglyDolls Haters Club
Studios I Curate
View all- hell
- memes
- The Long Legged Tundra Cult
- Save Maddie Cástano!
- NBC and BCBPC vs. CHC and ACC war bunker
- JackSucksAtLife studio
- Anti-Charlie studio (dead)
- numberblocks as 4s
- Scratch is a programming language
- Scratch Welcome Comitty
- E40 2020 Studio
- NumberBUZZ Studio
- Phonicfriends voices™ (V0.9)
- The Elmo Cult
- NASA Space Place fan studio
- Haroooold's Cringe Studio
- Anti-Anti Timbuctoo Studio
- bruh
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