BecauseItsThere_Test » Favorites (21)
Homecome - Creatures of the Night by ArcanisHD
Fireball by mr_snowbuddy
Wait Another Day Part 12 by redbottleofpoison
Actual human Stuff by jocers
Super Mario RPG Battle Creator by legobuzz12
shy guys by MrManGuy
Scrapped Old Anim. by notastranger
Baba Is You (very simplified) by Hobson-TV
New Super Mario Bros. Scratch (DEMO) by BirdNani
Art Style No. 2 Test Animation No. 1 by MoreMeurp
escape shreks swamp by Bulbatrain
Well, when life gives you LEMONS! by -KwikSliver-
Scratch Day - A Mario Style Platformer v1.0 by chipm0nk
The Ultimate Kirby Vector! by AngryPierre01
Mobile Joystick by -BlueO-
Mega Man X Scrolling Platformer by AntonScratchy1996
Scratch's Galaxy Adventure v1.0 by -FinalTrack-
Connect four memes [Part 3] by cookie-god
Connect Four Memes by cookie-god
Connect Four Memes [Part 2] by cookie-god