Scratcher Joined 6 years, 8 months ago France
About me
En fait, je suis tête de plusieurs comptes:
JN58 avec ma cops, Julros32 et de Babinou52.
Et Nathan4rouge42 est mon petit frère!!
Mais je le prête a se qui non pas de compte à l'école ♥♥
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (13)
View all- the cat and the mouse-1 by Babinou52
- COUCOU by Babinou52
- A NOUS QUATRE by Babinou52
- Volcano Escaper!! remix by Babinou52
- Volcano Escaper!! a scrolling platformer remix by Babinou52
- Untitled by Babinou52
- Musé des arts remix by Babinou52
- Pendu animaux terrestres-2 remix by Babinou52
- Manga Maker remix de Loris23 by Babinou52
- Amy et la licorne magique by Babinou52
- Habillage de fille by Babinou52
- goood remix remix by Babinou52
- Cache-cache by Babinou52
Favorite Projects
View all- ambeug73 et moi remix by Felicity58
- arsha p7sGaming Story Starter Project by arshapanaga
- COUCOU by Babinou52
- chat qui dance by JN58
- Volcano Escaper!! remix by Babinou52
- Crystal by theSparky
- Volcano Escaper!! a scrolling platformer remix by Babinou52
- Untitled by Babinou52
- Volcano Escaper!! a scrolling platformer by THE_MOST
- Manga Maker remix de Loris23 by Babinou52
- Anime Character Maker (girl) by Alexie5
- Musé des arts remix by Babinou52
- Pendu animaux terrestres-2 remix by Babinou52
- Paint with Gobo by SugarPie33
- Manga Maker by bunniesandfoxes
- Amy et la licorne magique by Babinou52
- The Scratch Platformer! 2.0 by mathias1706
- Scratch Day Celebration! by ScratchCat
- Habillage de fille by Babinou52
- Labyrinthe by julros32
Studios I'm Following
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