BaVB » Favorites (30)
Hair-wind simulation by mikeono102
Minecraft Beta 1.6.2 (2D) by extrax
Jelly V1.5 by Axarr
Hammer Mario FTW by chickensmacker
Super Mario Bloopers 3 by vortex19
The Proper Way to Flatter a Customer by sheiller
yay scratch cat by Blade-Edge
Your new hero has arrived by AegisV
Pokemon Silver™ by TheSaint
Snow Show by Midroni
Mockup: Customizable Userpages by Lucario621
Stickfigure Anim8er by Cspace
Desert Battles V0.2 by DJTHED
Gloob the amoeba! by complex
The One Level Maze by kamikozerk
Snake by ernestpazera
rocket man by m44
Nothing Weirder-2 by Larry828
Spartan Beatdown by spartan093
Wandering knight by Mayhem
SP- Mario sells, solicits, illegaly deals and what have you luigi's fat stomach, among other things. by jkbluepheonix123
Zelda's Lullaby by mkolpnji
song of storms by deatheater
Guardian by the_guardian
How to Activate Mesh in Scratch 1.4 by MathWizz
Virtual Morshu by Dakota12345
Scroll Tutorial by Rukqo
The Minature Earth: Be Grateful! by sohk
City Creator by SeanCanoodle
blockout by m44