19_chen_jas » Shared Projects (16)
- Loops & Conditionals by 19_chen_jas
- Parallelism & Broadcasting by 19_chen_jas
- A Simple Cartoon by 19_chen_jas
- Variable - 5 by 19_chen_jas
- Variables-6 by 19_chen_jas
- Variables - 1 by 19_chen_jas
- House by 19_chen_jas
- Snowflake by 19_chen_jas
- Conversion of °C to °F by 19_chen_jas
- PressureUnderWater by 19_chen_jas
- Area of a Circle by 19_chen_jas
- Mah Name by 19_chen_jas
- Nature remix by 19_chen_jas
- Debug-It 1.3 Remix by 19_chen_jas
- 10 Block Challenge(Lame) by 19_chen_jas
- Hide and Seek Remix by 19_chen_jas