123Scratchgirl123 » Favorites (421)
Five Fascinating Facts About Rocks, Minerals and Gems! by sweetcakefamily
Icon Creator v1.0 by chipm0nk
Uncolored (A Platformer) by Kokasgui
~ † ~ by Unfathomable-
Scratch Coding Club! (FIXED) by M_axj
Scratchnapped Adventure v0.2.7 by griffpatch
☆ Pastry Pet Creator ☆ by _Landia_
frσggч'ѕ αdvєnturє by -SparklyBlue101-
Light - Platformer by Ruzt
What Flower Are You? by jpenguins987654
A Game i Made at a Public Library (Untitled-19) by -TotallyEpic-
Bombs and Bees by -TotallyEpic-
Are you a healthy eater? by Helveticaz
Color Palette Generator by ipzy
Indigo Island - A Platformer by laurxn
♤||Which Bird are You?- Quiz||♤ by mistywaves
Vector Tutorial by MagicaJaphet
Tips for Beginner Artists (Video) by ipzy
Never Die Platform (parkour) by _Spiced_
Scratch Emojis by 16cmack
Clover by PixelPark
Pastel Platformer v2✧ by Rosyda
The Ninja 5 by Will_Wam
Bolt Bolt by ScratchStang
Kirby - Pyxelstar Ultra (Beta V0.03) by Scriptware
Natura's Lake - A Platformer by Dreamy_Dragonfly
Which Scratch Team Member Are You? by rainbow_waves
Gumdrop ( An Easy Platformer ) v 1.2 by KokonaHaruka1
Cat Creator by cs801890
•Hatch a Pikapeck• by marshmallowmuffins
World of Tilez 1.0 by -Proton-
Inequality - A platformer by teal08
The Scratch Platformer! 2.0 by mathias1706
Sunny Day: A Platformer Contest Entry! by -Jetpack-
One Tear - A Platformer by -frostyiceprincess-
Cookie Clicker ⓤ by user4567
The Ninja 5 Hacked! by Will_Wam
Scratch Cat's Journey! by TisforTARDIS
☆--how to make a chubbicon--☆ by -CrystalWaters-
Christmas Platformer by CgBB
Green Beans Production by McFennec
EggShell - A platformer by robotups
Crystal Caves [Platformer] by -Splatter-
[Platformer] Crystal Caves II: Gem Grotto by -Splatter-
Elements - A Platformer by -Jetpack-
Jelly Jump-Platformer by HotDog-TV
How To Make Pixel Art by cinnamon_bun_puff
Llama Platformer by MaxLovesDogs
Wood Run by -PixelPerfection-
HOW I DRAW v2 by MagicaJaphet
A Dino's Adventure by Kilonap
Alpaca Platformer by MaxLovesDogs
Pathmaker by JereTheJuggler
Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor
Returning: A Platformer by RacingAce
Books by Hanzhe
Not your normal platformer. by smileyguy13
LavaSwitch Platformer by Cub56
♡ DIY Ice Cream Pen ♡ by ivypool2
Shadow - a dark platformer by voltron1234