Scratcher Joined 4 years, 1 month ago Hong Kong
About me
☁️ 歡迎你來到我的個人資料 ☁️
我是一個只懂看書的懶小學雞,我最喜歡紫色,我喜愛動漫、多啦A夢和角落生物,是雙子座 ♊️ (十二星座) 我現在十歲半 (十一歲生日時希望有人幫我慶祝吧!^o^)
在 Scratch 裏最好的朋友: @call-me-M
What I'm working on
目標:150個關注者 (現在有125個關注者了!)
1.做小學雞(還有兩年就完成了! )
2. 玩 Roblox (^o^)(帳戶:H3e6l8e9)
5.俾人罵(T_T)(永遠也不會完成…… )
提醒:大家不要 ❤️ 和 ⭐️ 在有 "5A21" 的專案上,因為那些都是我在學校或家裏做的功課,謝謝。
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (23)
View all- 進階 12-1-2021 5A21 by -Helena_Ng-
- White place|A platformer remix by -Helena_Ng-
- 迷宮 (一般) (電話不能玩) by -Helena_Ng-
- P5_preparation 10-Jan 5A21 by -Helena_Ng-
- 角落生物抽獎機 remix by -Helena_Ng-
- Adventure-A Platformer #Games remix by -Helena_Ng-
- Roblox 帳戶 by -Helena_Ng-
- Pizzas victory by -Helena_Ng-
- 我在線嗎? by -Helena_Ng-
- Q&A 問題回答 by -Helena_Ng-
- Photo Album remix by -Helena_Ng-
- HW: Ch.3(B) 4-Dec 5A21 by -Helena_Ng-
- HW: Ch.3(A) 1-Nov 5A21 by -Helena_Ng-
- HW: Ch.2 25-Oct 5A21 by -Helena_Ng-
- HW: Ch.1 9-Oct 5A21 by -Helena_Ng-
- 我要開始上學啦! by -Helena_Ng-
- 每逢星期六、星期日和公眾假期我都不會在線 by -Helena_Ng-
- 浪浪貓主子總是做怪事 by -Helena_Ng-
- Q&A 問題收集 by -Helena_Ng-
- 5A21_Ch1 by -Helena_Ng-
Favorite Projects
View all- Grass -A Mobile Friendly Platformer by Sushi7777
- Grass -A Mobile Friendly Platformer rainbow rainbow by Owl-hero_10
- <70% Pen> Penguin action! -ペンギンのアクション- by lightblue012
- Brilliant II 100% PEN Platformer #games #all by TNTend
- Rain Adventure #all #games by TNTend
- Field 2 - Mobile friendly scrolling platformer #all #games by TNTend
- Rainbow poop - Mobile friendly scrolling platformer #all #games remix by Owl-hero_10
- Muffin - Mobile friendly scrolling platformer #all #games by TNTend
- 幸運指數探測器 by KHPe14133
- Feed your pet! by little_little_pinky
- cubic islands || a platformer by -immortalpanda-
- 「HO JENG AR 好正啊」 remix by melissaelmer
- [mobile]Symmetry—a platformer by Alvinalai
- 过 期 食 品 ( 大 雾 ) by Shira201406
- >> find: a game << by creamspark-
- White place|A platformer by ben6499
- Turret Shooter (100% pen) by LesterScratch
- 小太子日記 by call-me-M
- Neon || a pen scrolling platformer online by maDU59_
- 提高-游戏-密室逃脱(中级进阶) by NoahP3E36
Studios I'm Following
View all- 香港Roblox
- 小遊戲丶小故事
- 簡單程式 好玩遊戲 / simple coding fun games
- removed
- 第五人格原創小故事
- ✯原創 如果你的用户名稱包含K,H,P,e,1,4,1,3,3, 便可進入。
- **Make a Wish shop**
- Sumikko gurashi fans studio
- Scratch_Bertha的快樂閨密組
- The Best...
- ~Coffee Shop~
- 是人就可以進來
- As More As We Can!!! XD
- Realminebart new oc concert {open}
- 1 Manager and Follower before tomorrow
- My little pony studio (can we get 1000 managers)
- Hello Studioヾ(≧▽≦*)o ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
- Hong Kong Scratch Program Studio
Studios I Curate
View all- 加你的所有專案!you can add all the projects here!
- A chat hangout first, look at the project in desc.
- Q&A bc we hit 100 followers!!!
- 香港Roblox
- Do you like❤️
- 閨蜜聊天宣傳群
- 素材!(拡散希望)
- 加你所有專案!Add your all projects!
- 名偵探柯南 Detective Conan
- endless PROJECTS!
- ADD PROJECTS! (and follow this studio!)
- Games
- Scratch迷 工作坊
- 抖音 is 尷尬
- BP粉絲群組/BP 팬 그룹/BP fan group
- 小光大大,我喜欢你。
- 情侶收皮啦你
View allFollowers
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