wings high school
my characters Rei shadestone (m) 17 Personality: calm, chill, not the type to fight, is a pretty kind person Likes: quiet places, books, art (because why not) Dislikes: obnoxious people, his disability, school for the most part Is bi Has disability (Epilepsy) that causes him to have seizures that can be very harmful Has angel wings Sister: Kate Looks like: wears plain shirts and pants most of the time, wears hoodies sometimes only when cold ((wears guy uniform)) Kate shadestone(f) 17 Personality: outgoing, but calm and chill Likes: comics, art, being around her brother Dislikes: boring people, people who judge her Is trans (les too) Has got hurt a few times by stupid stuff she did when she was younger Has angel wings Brother: Rei Looks like: she wears large hoodies even with school uniform, normally plain shirts, wears shorts and pants. ((uniform she wears the girl one but wishes to wear the guy one)) Sage rose(f) 17 Personality: kinda sassy but energetic Likes: cute stuff, plushies, boba, kawaii stuff (bc why naw) Dislikes: sour stuff, spicy, dark colors Is not strait (HAHA NOT TODAY) Has huge cardinal wings Siblings: none Looks like: wears normally warm clothes and colors ((wears girl uniform))


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